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Everything posted by bucksfizz

  1. Nice system! This would make a great bedroom system, and would be an excellent replacement for my now ageing Denon UD-M30 system. Shame about the spring clips for the speaker terminals...
  2. My foolproof method for not losing receipts is to put it in the box that contained the product, and put the box in the loft. It's always easier to sell on a product if you have the box anyway.
  3. You're quite right - a typo on my behalf. I thought £30 for my old MZ-R55 was quite low when I sold it on eBay a few months ago. However, if the buyer saw this N520 he'd be kicking himself, especially as the R55's battery life was a mere couple of hours on one charge.
  4. DIGITAL OUT, DIGITAL OUT and DIGITAL OUT. But it will never happen. Sony has too many masters, and the music business will make sure that the audio products side will knuckle under. They are paranoid about digital copies and want DRM to cover everything. I, for one, would love to buy a full size Hi-MD deck with both digital in and digital out to replace my ageing JBS920. However, I won't buy unless it meets my requirements, no matter how pretty it looks.
  5. If you're looking for a low cost standard MD unit, then Amazon has the MZ-N250 for £39.99 - a steal. Check it out here: MZ-N250
  6. I, too, bought an NH1 from Amazon.co.uk, and I reckon it's a cast-off from the US (the warranty on the back of the manual states that it's applicable only in the USA and Canada). Mine wasn't sealed, but I think that's because Amazon had to change the charger from one that used a two-pin US plug to one that had a three-pin UK plug. Also, there's no cut-off when you increase the volume past the magic value of 23. So, it's definitely not a Euro spec.
  7. Looks like Sony's lawyers have been leaning on Onkyo. One of the specifications for the Onkyo MD-133 home deck: No digital output or USB connectors. I'll stick with my MD-JBS920 until there is a Hi-MD deck with digital output.
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