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Everything posted by toekneeb

  1. All, silly question but is a digital amp? Is it an amplifier which will improve the volume of my player as I have a NH600D but would a little more volume. The 600 has been hacked already :-) I'm thinking of a DH/RH710 but this seems to take a rechargable battery according to the equipment browser but i have also read that it takes AA? TIA Tony
  2. All, i thinking of getting one of these units. I already have a NH600D and looking for better volume due to the digital amp and the ability to play MP3 natively. Is this unit better for this or should i get a Rh910 instead?
  3. As a newbie i have tried the Atrac3Plus formats 48K and 64K as I want quite a few songs on my HI-MD. 48K does sound poor and to me it equals a 128k MP3 whilst 64k = a 192K Mp3 and so thats the version i use. I don't see the point of the older formats as they add more filespace per song bet yet don't offer better sound quality. A half way house for Atrac3plus between 64K and 256 would be nice though Sony
  4. Hi all, just wondering podcasting seems to be a good way of listening to radio articles and ebooks "offline" but can it be done on MiniDisc with SonicStage? I know podcast software downloads an MP3 and automatically sends it to the player when next connected but can it be done via SonicStage after conversion to Atrac? Does anyone know, has it been done before what software was needed etc? T.I.A Tony
  5. Hi kevin I have a MZ-NH600 the volume was A0 and is now 25 is this the correct value for 113? cheers Tony
  6. So i can use one PC and transfer files between the PCs, I take it I can back up all my atrac files to a spare HI-MD if I wanted to ?
  7. Hi My girlfriend has just bought 2 MZNH600Ds for a bargain £55 each inc a 1GB disc, one each :-) Ok I was actually looking for a Mp3 player i had settled on an iriver but then a call at work gave me 5mins to change my mind, an 1GB flash iriver is £120 at its cheapest here so i figured i couldn't lose, it must be flash based as i plan 2 go running ruling MP3 HDs out. I had looked at an Aiwa MD player but Hi-MD looks better and mines is in cool blue, GF wants the silver one. But what is this ! after more research on this site i find that the MD doesn't play MP3 directly oh no, but hey i figure i have only 22 MP3s that i don't have the original CDs and i can always convert them to Atrac so thats not so bad, i figure HI-SP over from orig CD = 8 hrs should be fine BUT as we have 2 MDs what happens if we want to swap files between walkmans for e.g we both have a track that we like and then we want 2 put it on each player, can we both swap it back to the PC and move the file over to another Hi-MD discs in the future? Or do we need 2 copies of each file? I haven't seen the player yet as GF is away (back 2morrow) but can't wait to see what a MD can do. I know the Hi-MD maybe the last throw of the dice 4 MD but all i need is something smaller than my lovely sony CD player that plays music with good sound quality eqiv 2 Mp3 at 192K, i am worried about have loads of music on a non standard system so hopefully i'll get my hands on a MZ-RH910 in the future as it plays direct MP3s and attracs plus i'll still have access 2 the cheap HIMDs giving me the best of both worlds Can anyone help me with the moving files between 2 MDs we have access 2 PCs at home if this helps TIA Tony
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