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Everything posted by Ascariss

  1. Crazy price, it's quite large and I don't think the battery will last that long. I wouldn't want to carry that around as an mp3 player.
  2. http://www.anythingbutipod.com/forum/showthread.php?t=718 if real... it feels like sony is the tortoise and the other companies are the hare.
  3. Anyone have a link to where this info is psoted or? the a3000 has alraedy been cut from the sonystyle site here in canada, and I am hoping a new DAP is released in the fall, but my guess is it will come in october november time frame for christmas. shame.
  4. Hmm, care to elaborate? as well how many frames maximum can the screensavers be? as well the ones that come stock with the device, any idea how to extract those?
  5. Try another USB slot and replug it into the pc again using this difrerent usb slot. The device might appear in SS now.
  6. I seriously suggest getting a usb2 card, will make life a lot easier.
  7. Nope, I extracted and renamed, not a valid gif file.
  8. Ascariss

    NW-A1000 battery ?

    If you can find an outlet, the ac adapter can be used worldwide and all u need is a plug adapter.
  9. it has an EQ which you can customize. It is in the manual but you access it via the options menu on the main screen, lower left hand corner. go to sound then custom 1 or 2.
  10. Ascariss


    Hmm interesting. is the image a jpg, or gif? what I did is this, saved the image to the desk top, then opened CP, made it smaller and then did a quick search for an artist. got the results, then click on the the song. once the top information appears. i drag the file physically off the desktop and then drop it on the connect circles in the information screen and viola, image appears. I added a screen capture, hopefully you can see what I mean.
  11. Ascariss

    Mp3 vs. ATRAC3

    stick to mp3 unless you want gapless, or better battery life at lower bitrates, ie 132 or 66 atrac3+
  12. If you installed CP or SSCP then the program should recognize the unit, perhaps you might need to upgrade your USB drivers from windows? Try it on another pc in the house if you can.
  13. Ascariss


    Album covers works in CP as well, all you do is drag the small image into CP and onto the space where the album art would be, and it should be impoted.
  14. plug in your headphones after you pause it, and let the screen turn off, if no music is coming out, it's turned off. same thing in both the A1000 and A3000. the a series has automatic shut off after a few min(1-2) of non use.
  15. Ascariss


    I'd personally suggest keeping Connect player if it runs smoothly and quickly, since that is hte best way to transfer to the unit. bogon07's suggestion to initilalize the player would be my first choice as well. I would also allow CP to upgrade since then you should have no issues with it.
  16. upgrade to V3 or SSCP? I've actually found using a remote with both A1000 and A3000 quite pointless and useless. imo of course.
  17. A switch would be better than a button definetely, but well that's a mistake sony hopefully will learn from. I am not sure why your transfer of atrac is slower than for me? I decided to test out gapless because I once somehow got it working on my MD and then couldn't figure out why it didn't work again, that was then this is now. lol. any chance you are not using USB2? stupud question i know. so I ripped a cd I have into atrac3+ 320, 9 songs, ripping took less than 10 minutes most likely, not sure how long, went to the john after I started ripping it. anwyays, when I got back 10 minutes later, it was all ripped. then I imported the files into the library 4 seconds, then hooked up the A1000 and transferred the files over, maybe 20 seconds tops for 175 megs of songs. Unplugged and playing the files now and yes gapless does work, not sure why I thoguht it didn't. Anyways. I have my own requests for future FW options for the new HDD units -faster firmware -playlists on the go and replacing the artist link button to add the file to a now playing playlist -plenty of codecs to be supported, I posted which ones the units can support in this forum -larger hdd if wav becomes supported or FLAC anyways, hopefully sony will release something better this fall.
  18. Hold from menu? why? it's a button on the side of the player, no need to have it in the menu. I've yet to see a player i've owned with hold in the menu options. All my MDs and CD players had it on the outside of the player, a physical hold button. easiest and fastest method of using hold. the battery can be replaced by yourself in these units, but its not like the hd-5 battery. Deletion of files takes seconds when doing it in CP, and selecting the file to the garbage bin on the device will remove it from the hard drive next time you reconnect it. but i've yet have to delete a file that I have transferred since I only transfer stuff I listen to. faster upload of atrac files> what? a 20 meg 320 mp3 takes about a second or so to be transferred using usb2, and as far as I know atrac files are smaller than 320 mp3s. unless you are using the higher bitrate atrac, so should take about the same time as the 320 mp3. reasons for the 20 gig drive was already discussed here, if you wish to find out the info, please search the forums.
  19. If CP was running fine before with no problesms why upgrade to sonictstage???? in truth SSCP is worse in structure and development than CP. I seriously don't know why people upgrade to SSCP if CP works fine for them. just because sony releases a new program, don't mean you gotta upgrade.
  20. I've had issues where the database "disappears" from the device, but this was back in dec-jan time frame, and this doesn't happen anymore. When it did happen, I hooked it up to CP and it quickly reupdated the library and all good now. perhaps you could list your pc specs, what program and version you are using, what update of windows, how many songs in the library, etc.
  21. english only please.
  22. Ascariss

    WAV playback. A3000

    Yes it is sad, and considering the units are capable of A LOT more.
  23. Ascariss

    WAV playback. A3000

    Hold on doing a test now. it converted the wav sadly to atrac3plus. If you want the higher quality sound, without a file format, go with mp3 at 320 or atrac3plus at 352kbps.
  24. Do keep us informed if you can remove the dust from the front cover, since this is of interest to me, thanks.
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