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Everything posted by Ascariss

  1. Ascariss

    All songs lost !

    that rarely works, it is in: "C:\Program Files\Sony\CONNECTAutoUpdate\CONNECTAutoUpdate.exe" or something along the lines.
  2. Ascariss

    All songs lost !

    newest version is actually use the automatic update function, if that doesn't work, force an update by going to the directory with the update exe and clicking on it, it should find an update and download it.
  3. Ascariss

    Arghh! So confused!

    If you haven't already do upgrade to the latest version of CP, it is much more stable than the other versions. if it runs best on the slower PC, use it there.
  4. Where can you get the ex71s for 29 US? also aren't the 888s supposed to be good as well?
  5. Ascariss

    All songs lost !

    No need to panic, had the same problem plenty of times, reboot your pc, and load up CP again, if all your songs are there, then all good, if not reimport, then hook up the A3000 again, let it sync with CP and your files will work again. Use the latest version of CP, it is much more stable, I know, since it has yet to hang up on me when I used it this time around, where as it used to hang up on me all the time before. You can check that your songs are on the unit, but opening windows explorer and then clicking the A3000 removeable hard drive, the songs should be there in OMA format. the player won't delete the files from the hdd by itself, it needs the command from you to do that.
  6. I didn't mention UMD discs at all. I said video on the psp, which many of my friends who have psps use memory sticks and vidoes they load on it. the quality isn't great and just like an ipod video, which is even more worthless, watching movies on a small screen isn't for me. I've seen 2 movies on umd and although nice for that screen, I'd rather watch a dvd version on a larger tv. house music isn't available that widely here in canada, well at least not out west. promos and cds is what I usualyl buy, and those either come in vinyl, which are $$$ or mp3 format from uk sites. there is a lot of selection of music here, but not house.
  7. Ha, sony store, they hardly know their stuff sometimes. as stu-pid said, the menu appears but will disappear soon after and just charge. its just like with MD it runs via AC not the battery. in addition, the new update to CP that just came out actually helped me, and there are some issues addressed with overall stability of the prorgram improved. It didn't hang once on me last night when moving stuff over.
  8. and not only that, I am sure the chip is cheaper in price for sony rather than making their own. in addition to stuge's post, the chip can also support jpeg and drm wma.
  9. best? hardly, they are not that comfortable for me, but the sound is very nice though and so far does beat any other headphones that I have recieved as stock units. a bit different sound than the ex71s though, which are still my favourite of all the headphones I've used. but if you aren't planning on replacing your stock buds, then the 931s are a fine set.
  10. Ascariss

    Whats Next

    I had the same problem before, but now that all my tags are correctly tagged, I have no duplicates for artists.
  11. MD as mentioned was never designed to be an mp3 storage for playback. It was like the casette where you could record your music, but now digitally and over and over again with no loss of quality. I used one pre NetMD minidisc and also the NetMD one, both were MDLP, but no HiMD units. This is why I am here, I needed to replace the minidisc, due to its lacking battery life and limited amount of music I could stick on it. Even at LP2, it wasn't enoigh. I was meaning to venture towards HiMD, but the minidisc is a dying species in the MP3 player world and really has no chance to compete. That is why i picked up the hdd based players. Even the first ones didn't support Mp3s, and only later did the hd3 support them via a firmware upgrade. The HD5 was a step in the right direction. the new A series is as well, except for the connect player, which didn't turn out like Sony hoped. The mp3 wasn't as popular as it is now, and due to the fact that many people lacked high speed internet connections was another problem. Sure you could rip your music to mp3, but that was mainly so you could store all your mp3s on your pc to listen to them, not for a portable device. We all know that changed, with the arrival of affordable high speed internet, and most people not going to ever go back to 56k, and most likely moving to faster speeds, the mp3 took off. One problem was that the music industry wasn't prepared for this, even though the mp3 development came from the industry itself. As we all Napster changed the word mp3 and p2p software. Once cd sales started dropping, the labels began to panic, and blamed napster and sharing for the loss of sales. In addition the mp3 was blamed as well. Which is why DRM was born. You could argue that crappy music was to blame for poor cd sales, and I agree with this. But another problem I am stuck with is the availability of the genre of music I want. It just isn't for sale here in canada, well where I am at least. Paying 15 pounds if not more, and shipping from the UK for 1 or 2 cds is a bit hefty for a student. This is why I like some of the mp3 stores, but some still charge an arm or a leg for single songs on there. What was stopping a person from going to his friends house, then loading up his mp3s onto a MD and then downloading them onto his pc? depends, most likely nothing, but a cd would be faster you say, with more capacity as well. True, but if your friend had no cd burner, the MD recorder was easily used as a device to copy things. That is why the limitation was put on it. DRM on blu-ray and even more new media, like Maxells holographic discs will be designed to stop illegal copying. We'll see how sony deals with DRM, mp3s and video files for their next walkman. personally watching videos on small screens is not something I want to do. Oddly i've yet to see a single person at school watching a video on their video ipod. I've seen a few people watching movies on the PSP, but the screen is still too small for me. I for one won't be buying the new mp3 from sony for its video capability, but for mp3, since last time I checked that is what an mp3 is. DAP is what I want, not a DMP, digital media player, that is what my computer is. I want a large screen to see the detail and not a 2x2 inch square where you can't see jack.
  12. Wouldn't call it that damaging, since it states nowhere there that they even used a unit and played around with it. Atraclife reported the same problems as well, and it would be as damaging as well. even though I don't think it is. Since we already know about the program and its issues. That site should have a link to these forums instead of the sony help line lol.
  13. Ascariss

    about NW-E507

    There is usually ways around this, check to see if the songs have copyright on them, via the idtag, When you mean they last a week? do you mean they will only play for a week?
  14. Have you tried other headphones? if not perhaps the ones that came with unit are busted? also, go to the main menu, then settings, then output and check that it is set to headphone. if other headphones do this, and the output is to headphones, perhaps your unit is busted and take it back to thesony store and show them the problem. also is this with every song you have on it? even the samples?
  15. The sad part is that cdr's are not more expensive per disc when compared to dvds. Kind of crazy. Although I have moved away from minidisc since last november, I still buy cdr and dvdr, but less so now. I actually have nothing against this levy, sure it sucks and that is why I boguht most of my minidiscs while over in europe, but this does compensate the artists, which we know are getting ripped off. I am sure they will add the levy to dvds as well, I picked up a 100 pack fro around 25 bucks or so.
  16. Ascariss

    about NW-E507

    scanning and checking for illegal mp3s? How could a program even find that out? I seriously doubt SS could do that. I've used Sonicstage with my minidisc and some files were let's say borderline "legal" and all transferred normally. Sony won't know what you are putting on the player, so no need to worry. Just use the program.
  17. I can listen to mine while it's charging, I do it all the time, when I go to sleep. compliant software means connect player, i am assuming you used sonicstage then, if you want those to work use sonicstage, or wait until sony releases the new sonicstage with the ability to work 100% with the new a series.
  18. Ascariss

    iPod Nano

    Product wise, it a is genius move by apple, (why are we talking about it now lol, it was released some time ago) uhm, size wise it is nice and much smaller than most out there, but it looks boring and too simple, but that is what the masses love. As for scratches, a member of my forum posted a picture of their black nano after 1 week of use, lovely scratches and soo many beautiful swirls of small lones all over the thing. lol in contrast, i've dropped my A3000 once on a bus floor and carry it around with no cover, usually in my pocket, and it has fared better any ipod i've seen. I've been using it 1 month now if not longer. here is his ipod: http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/1428/x1pa...mtlk6vgv7ic.jpg sorry, after 1 week of use and it looks like that, I want some kind of money back or partial refund.
  19. That's why I bought a protection plan on mine, they just replace it, no questions asked, plus we have a repair facility here in vancouver. the zen is nice, used one for a few hours last year, easy to use, but it felt wierd when I held it for some reason. the lcd is a worry, since if its dead not sure if creative covers that, battery life isn't what I wanted, and I have no use for a radio, nor recording function. It's better than the ipod for sure.
  20. Ya, some people have had this problem, but I've been able to get into mine no problems.
  21. Ascariss


    Even if you did find a plugin, I don't think the hd5 would sync with itunes, I am hesitant since sony has it's own drm and what not. Of course ss and CP are not better than itunes, but in my opinion itunes isn't great either. I dread using it, since the only purpose other than downloading one podcast for me, is wasting precious HD space. Sadly when quicktime installs so does itunes, which I am sure you can remove seperately. Doesn't mp3manager work with the hd5?
  22. Hmm, interesting, both my CD-RW and CD drive show up on there, so I am not sure what is wrong on your end. perhaps check the preferences in the tools, and look for cd ripping or something like that, Or maybe try the troubleshooter in CP? if it has one. And finally I am guessing you have tried uninstalling and reinstalling?
  23. Try using connect player, and see what happens, everyone has a different experience with it.
  24. I know it was supposed to have gapless playback but I am not sure if it was straight out of the box, granted i didn't try it, but I recall someone mentioned it didn't have gapless yet.
  25. I've imported 2 albums into CP both were tests for wma support and each was numbred using WMP and when imported the track numbers remained and were ordered correctly.
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