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  1. I have had the same problem with my MZ-NH900. Unexpected drop outs, and when playing the same track again, no problem. The problem was not the disc. The unit has been repaired; they replaced the optical unit. Since that time no problems anymore.
  2. In my case it definitely was the unit, because the dics (1Gb) were and still are OK. After repair of the unit, until now the problem did not happen again.
  3. Just an update. I got the unit back in about one week, so pretty quick. They replaced what they call the OP assembly. I have used it rather extensivelyafter the repair, but until now, it seems to work fine again. So after this second repair (the first concerned the display), I hope it will work now without problems for a long time. I have an MZ-R30 too and indeed this one has worked and still works without any problems. Thanks for the answers.
  4. Thanks for your reply. I have searched the forums, but I think my problem is different, because the disks are fine. The gaps are fully at random and occasionally (from never to once or twice during half an hour or so). If I repeat the part that gave the silence, it plays fully normal. I have returned the unit for repair, so I am awaiting the results.
  5. It happens with several discs. If, after the drop-out, I replay the same track or part, it is flawless. So indeed I think the unit is faulty.
  6. From time to time the sound of my NH900 (with 1Gb disc) falls out; sometimes less than 1 second, but other times more seconds or up to a minute. The counter is running normally. The cause is not the music itself, because repeating the same track gives normal sound. Most of the times it plays normally, but randomly a shorter or longer drop-out occurs. Did anyone encounter the same problem? Or has someone any idea of the cause. I'm afraid, I have to return the device for repair. This would be the 2nd time (the first time the display fell out).
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