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Everything posted by toxigenicpoem

  1. Interesting, so when can we expect to see some functioning work on software being made in this direction?
  2. get Hi-MD!!! You dont need to BUY Hi-MD discs to take advantage of what Hi-MD has to offer!!! You can buy the regular cheap $2(USD) discs and reformat them to Hi-MD, this still gives you the ability to use the Hi-MD for its upload capabilities and much more then what NetMD will offer.
  3. Not that it would be hard, but as far as I know the Hi-MD transfer hasn't been cracked. I think NotMd which is horribly stalled, is the only thing I can think of. http://notmd.sourceforge.net
  4. yeah I just recently started using Audacity(2 days ago..), and I'd have to say that is is a very very nice program, and the Digital Noise removal has to be one of the best I have found.
  5. i dont ever remember using my OpenMG disc.... When I used a NetMD I prefeered to us RealPlayer as my music managment software (didn't restrict song uploads at the time). And with my Hi-MD i just downloaded ver 3....
  6. You can import Layered Audio in to Audacity. Project > Import Audio
  7. No. OMA files are linked to a 'KEY' that you individual pc gets. This is to keep distribution off limits in the OMA format. You will need to convert before transfering.
  8. Thanks looks my hearing is HORRIBLE.
  9. I agree, if they would have gone with the Hi-MD as the medium of choice, they wouldn't have stopped and said "Well we can't mass produce this.." They would have kept it in development UNTIL it was able to be written on in some way.. But since they didn't use it as the medium of choice, why bother with mass production.
  10. I back you up on that too. PSP should have been Hi-MD based.
  11. Actually its not the only solution, look into BOCHS on MacOS. I have used BOCHS for sometime on my Linux Machine, although it is NOT the fastest, it certenly emulates the x86 archetecture nicely. http://www.macupdate.com/info.php/id/11177
  12. The UMD being cracked already, makes me wish Sony would have been smart, and made Hi-MD the media choice for the PSP. At least then it could be an AFFORDABLE MP3 player.
  13. thats awesome. Do you think Hi-MDs will be able to burn these? (burn not play). It would be neat if they could, then the portable Hi-MDs would become even more coveted for their ability to export Hi-MDV.... Interesting.
  14. Yeah if your comming from the MZ-NE410, then obviously your main thought is to use this as a portable music system, the NH600D is a very good intro into Hi-MD and carries a lot more craftsmen ship then the MZ-NE410. Have you looked into using the latest SonicStage 3.1? You can get it from http://www.connect.com
  15. I wish they would have waiting, now this is only going to delay us using UMD in other ways... It is feesable to spread the ISO accross 2 sticks. Since it IS possible to execute binary code on the PSP, in essence someone could build a bridging app to make both mem slots combined. However, this becomes an expensive solution. You would have to constently upload your game to sticks, otherwise you would be better off just buying the UMD.
  16. I agree, warez are a good thing to moderate on a forum, and as a moderator my self, I understand the moderators lay down the law, no problem with that.. However I didn't directly discuss, nor did I directly link to, nor does my site directly discuss how to or directly link to software, dealing with cracking software. This thread directly discusses bootlegging audio.
  17. LOL! No flames rising Volta, I just simply wanted to say there is more 'grey' area around, but it looks like some gets ignored.
  18. Point taken, although I do find it funny that it is openly discussed in this forum to be bootlegging artist audio, the topic even states 'stealth' recording... I'm just looking to be treated fairly in the forum, thats all, and I'm finished on this topic. http://forums.minidisc.org/index.php?showtopic=10038 Definition quoted from Wikipedia
  19. Correction, my PAGE DOES NOT point to a crack. My site lists a 3rd party site of where the crack can be found, and this IS NOT ILLEGAL. I violated NO forum rules, and did NOT link to ANYTHING ILLEGAL, my CENSORED post DID NOT CONTAIN A LINK TO ANYTHING ILLEGAL, I simply ansewered the question as it was asked. I posted a link to MY website, where there is a TUTORIAL, on Recording LIVE INPUTS, I used COOLEDIT2K, because IT DOES NOT NEED TO BE REGISTERED TO BE USED. The TRIAL IS NOT A TIME DELAY. From with in this TUTORIAL, there is a paragraph that reads "You can also head over to http://www.cracks.am to download and crack this to the full version. But is not needed, and obviously NOT recommended." If it was illegal to link to another site, then google would have been in the slammer a LONG time ago. Please read all information before flaming me next time, thank you. @jadeclaw: Thank you, I will look into substituting this program into my tutorial.
  20. Ok, wasn't sure if an edit to my post would do a bump or not, so I am double posting, NOT FLAMMING, or SPAMMING!.. Anyway, I also feel that Software is the hinderance of the Minidisc. So I have come up with a solution to this problem. People wanted Podcast Automation, and I have broughT exactlly that. I really like Podcasts, hate uploading them, wont do it anymore, not even with my easy method above.. So if this is the first program, then yes!!!... lol My program is called Ipodder2SonicStage, or IP2SS for short. What IP2SS RC1 alpha, will do, is grab the Ipodder MP3s, create a current upload shot playlist, upload (through SonicStage) the playlist and then archive the MP3s for the next Ipodder update. Because we all know the limitations of the SonicStage software, there are a few limitations that I had to impose on the IP2SS system. 1. Playlist naming, I have come up with a clever way to always keep Podcast playlists accessable to the automation program, hopefully when I get a basic automation system, I can look into SonicStages capabilities a little more, and eliminate this part of the system. 2. The computer must be unattended in order for automation to work properly. My program takes control of SonicStage to complete the tasks. 3. I have limited time in my ability to make Opensource apps, so I used Visual Basic to accomplish the task, the requirements that are known to work SO FAR (I would love to have people sign up to beta test this software extensivly with me, but it will be open to everyone to try out and report bugs), are Windows XP : I have hear of procedural call issues with Windows 9x series, but hopefully we can easily work past this. SonicStage 3.1: I'm currently working with the latest version of SonicStage, I will also check compatibility with Ver. 2.0, to insure that those who do not upgrade to 3.1, will not have to. Issues that I still need to work on, but may/will not be included in the RC1 Alpha release, and are in no perticular order; 1) Direct MP3 upload to take advantage for 2nd generation. 2) Quality Control through IP2SS, I would like to eventually allow IP2SS to take care of the Quality Adjustments as well, this way you can set it to do say 48K, for you Podcasts. Currently it will use the default sample rate you setup in the options. 3) Device Acknowledgement, I need to figure a way to acknowledge that the device is connected, BEFORE automation take place. However right now, if you would forget to hook up your MD before going to bed, you would wake up with the playlist ready to be uploaded, and of course nothing uploaded. 4) Better managment capability, archival features, file renaming etc. 5) Complete COMPLETE Podcast control, no more Ipodder2SonicStage, but a rename to WalkCaster LOL! Anyway tere is a whole list of features I hope to pipe into this thing as I keep going with it, if you have suggestions, please feel free to leave them, if your interested in becomming a 'Closed' tester, you will get the latest builds, and work closely with me on FeatureSets. Also, if anyone is interested in eventually translating for me, I would like to offer a few languge packs. Anyways!!! Let me know what you think, you can check out the continual state of IP2SS by going to http://www.b3studios.net I will post here when IP2SS RC1A, is available for download as well. Expected Alpha availability is 5/12/2005.
  21. Yeah, seeing it listed @ Target.com for $199.99 USD still. http://www.target.com/gp/search.html/ref=s...=index%3Dtarget
  22. Ha ha, nor does he notice the missing Jewel Case, and Inserts!!!
  23. I agree, I would recommend CoolEdit 2k. You can get it from my website. The Direct Download link is included in a little article I wrote about copying Flash Juke Box music. http://www.b3studios.net/?p=3
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