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  1. I don't know. I'm using Sonicstage 3.1 ( Asia-Pacific Version ). It seems doesn't have such limits. you can try to download one of this version to use.
  2. I had that problem as well. just search another install file from google (as I remember I have downloaded the software from a JP sony website), the new file will be downloaded your program smoothly
  3. I have tried using a English version SS to transfer Chinese song with chinese word(japanese kanji), it works beautifully. this is how I did it: firstly I have changed reg, just cleck start button on you desktop and cleck run, then type regedit and run it. change the UTOC4 Value from 4 to 3 in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Sony Corporation\OpenMG\PD\{F7D5CB7D-61E5-4258-AD3B-726DBAB5162C} and change the "ShowTitleHalf" value to 1 in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHIE\Software\Sony Corporation\SonicStage\PD then you need download a software called GB2Shift-Jis for change the code of chinese word(from GB2132 code to Shift-Jis), just search on the google. only thing needed to do when you transfering your music is type the name in GB2Shift-Jis software and change the code then copy and paste in the sonicstage.
  4. have you installed anything like "ffdshow"(AV code software)? if you did, just reinstall them without MP3, wav...... audio codes. then may can solve your problem
  5. Use Cool Edit Pro 2.0 to record radio to one of the format of WAV, MP3......, then transfer to your NetMD
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