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  1. has anybody any experience with those two sony microphones: ECM-719 ECM-MS907 i'm looking for a mic in the size of a lighter (more or less) phantom power only works with xlr-cables / jacks right ? thanks, alex
  2. well, it's gonna be compromise between noise and money; are there any other brands / mpdels apart from those on that page? i need one that doesn't need phantom power.... alex
  3. hello all, i know this topic must have been on a lot of times, but i'm looking for a good microphone around 100-150 euros which is small and produces little noise. do you have some recommandations or links to good site comparing some models? thank you, alex
  4. thanks for the replies, so as far as i see it there are three basic options: 1)electret microphone into mic-input 2)microphone preamp and a mic that doesnt neet phantom-poer 3)mic-preamp with phantom power and micro that needs ph.-power i got option 3) already but am looking for an alternative, as the mic and the preamp are rather huge. which preamp and microphone would you recommend (without phnatom power)? thank you alex
  5. hello i'd like to know what the difference between the two sharp models MS702H2 and MS702 is? thank you, alex
  6. and which sharp md player wouöd you recommend? alex
  7. hello, i'd like to buy a portable md-recorder for stereo fieldrecording and recording quiet sounds. i was wondering whether the new md-reocrder (like hi-md) have better quality than the old ones. which md-recorder is the best for stereo-microphone recording? i don't care about the other features of the recorder. thank you, alex
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