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  1. Thanks for all your suggestions thus far, I was wondering what is the best encoding/ converting program to use. I want to turn flac to atrac/mp3 and so forth. THanks
  2. What program do i use to encode WMA lossless? WMP or some other one?
  3. thanks, from now on i will use simple burner i rip from cd to minidisc, and ill try to rip in wav( i thought about doing that before but i never like wav files, idk why)
  4. Hello i recently bought a cd retail, ripped it in 320 VBR (highest quality) then i put it on my minidisc in LP2 format. I was wondering if the minidisc is able to maintain the VBR and if there is any quality loss during the conversion? also what type of music file produces the best quality when converted to minidisc? thanks alot
  5. OK thanks but often times when the character limit is reached, and i rename track titles to one character it wont let me add the track when there is Good amounts of space left. I dont get it cause before the minidisc would do it for me, and now it wont do anything at all
  6. I found out that the problem has to do wiht the characters. After the character limit is reached, when i try to add more songs the minidisc no longer lets me add the song at all. Before it would add the song with no characters... any helpers?
  7. Hello everyone! this board was kinda hard to find anyway... im using a MZ-N510 and recording in LP4 mode and no matter what software i use i cant record more then 60 mins using several different programs. This problem recently started to happen, before after a certain point the MD would run out of characters and just put songs with no words on them which i can deal with, but now i can use the last 20 mins of my disc any help?
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