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    NW-HD5 Black & NW-HD5 Silver

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  1. Hi Otiasj, it is almost a year ago since the latest release of the winamp plug-in, which by the way works perfectly. Nevertheless there is still space for improvements and for me that is the option to play the transferred MP3's within winamp itself. Currently the files (or the header) seems not to be exaclty as they should be and therefore can not be playbacked. This is not an problem on the MP3 player (NW-HD5) as they can be playback, but in winamp this still is not possible. If you need help to get it programmed please it know to the community instead trying to get this solved all by yourself alone. Together we are stronger I am looking forward to a version that solved the aboved addressed issue. Kind regards, Bergmarmot
  2. bergmarmot


    YEAH !!! It is not crashing anymore ;-)) you solved it!! Thanks mate!!
  3. bergmarmot


    Otiasj, I just found out that the mp3's on the device causing the plugin to crash were transferred with SonicStage. I used another plugin before that was called "ml_sony_fortesting.zip". This plugin could handle these files. All otherplugins crashed with mp3's previously transferred with SonicStage. I hope you can use this info. Cheers mate
  4. bergmarmot


    Aha, that is how drag&drop should work. I expected that I could select from my library and then drag&drop to the device. Same as how you can add to a playlist.
  5. bergmarmot


    I found out how to use that playlist function. You just send a playlist to the device. This works too good because every song is diplayed double when the playlist is clicked. Other thing I wanted to ask you, how can I use the drag&drop function? I could not add songs that way yet. Thanks EDIT: Oops .... the songs were double in my play list, so this was not an error. BTW: when I send a play list twice it makes an new list beside the already existing instead updating the playlist on the device. Don't know what is better but just an observation.
  6. bergmarmot


    Hi Otiasj, I attached the log file. Meanwhile I tried following: I renamed the OMGAUDIO folder to OMGAUDIO ORG and made a fresh folder. After this I could open WinAMP and access the walkman!! So he is having problems with reading the data already stored on the walkman. But ok, you will find the details in the log-file. Question, where can I find the playlist option? There is nothing in my screen pointing at this new feature. Could you please tell me how I can use this? Thanks for all your great work!! EDIT: Attement is not working ....
  7. bergmarmot


    Hi Otiasj, I was looking forward to this release and as soon as I saw it was released I installed it. There is only one problem. It is crashing my winamp again. As soon as I select the device it crashes. Error: AppName: winamp.exe AppVer: ModName: kernel32.dll ModVer: 5.1.2600.1560 Offset: 0001a6d3 I hope you can use this info to solve the problem. If you need any further information then please dont hesitate to ask for it! Cheers
  8. bergmarmot


    No Problem. Another obervation: I opened MP3FM and deleted the two tracks again. No I dragged and dropped the 2 track from MS Explorer. The track are added at the end of the Album. So, that is what also happens when the WinAMP is transferring the files I assume. Now the interesting part . You can drag and drop the transferred file (song) to another position in the album. This means MP3FM is able to rearrange the track nr. So I assume we need a procedure in the WinAMP Plugin that is re-arranging the track nr information of the edited albums based on track nr information available in the WinAMP database. NOTE: I moved in MP3FM the 1st file (song) in the middle of the album list. Then I opened SonicStage and saw that the same song was not on the Second place ?!? Closing SonicStage and Opening MP3FM again the file was on the position where I dropped it ! Checking the album on the device itself showed me the SonicStage Sequence, meaning that the song was on the second position and not on the position where I dropped it.
  9. bergmarmot


    Hi Otiasj, I tried following: First I send a file from an album with track nr 2 Then pressed apply Second I send from the same album track nr 1 Then pressed apply After I unplugged the device and went into the album mode I saw the follwing sequence order: Track 2 Track 1 So as you already described, the trach order of an album is the order in which they were send! EDIT: I tried the same with SonicStage and this program is sending the track nr to the device. Means that sequence in device is based on Track nr and not on sending order
  10. bergmarmot


    Yeah, it stopped crashing ....!!!! you're getting closer. Indead I have a lot of track with nr 999 .... but we are moving in the right direction EDIT: as additional info. track nr in general is screwed up. From the 1705 tracks on my device I only have 3 tracka with nr 1 Maybe this track numbering issue is also causing the crashing of SonicStage and also why GYM is not able to play the files transferred via WinAMP
  11. bergmarmot


    I understand that the compatibility with sonicstage is not on you high priority list. On the onther hand people that already have put music on their device don't need to start from scratch as they have to do now. Only when you start from scratch you are able to use the plugin otherwise you have to continue with SonicStage. BTW: Thanks for the tip concening MP3FM. I freshly installed the program on my new device, copied all the music from older device, run the GYM KeyWizard and voila, now I have all my music on my second device without going trough the whole process . This device I put in my car and leave it there till I think it is time to change the music on it Cheers mate!! and keep on doing this fantastic work. You and the GYM programmer are our hero's :=)
  12. bergmarmot


    Hi Otiasj, Congratulations!! I can now transfer the files to my device, the list are sorted correct and I can play the MP3 files on the device!!! There is only still one strange thing, accessing the device in SonicStage and trying to open the Artist still crashes SonicStage. Anyway, another step closer .....
  13. bergmarmot


    Aha ok. Otiasj, I think I was to optimistic mentioning that the transferred files also played within WinAMP but this is not correct. I get the error message "Unable to Render the File" a well known error message. Good luck, slowly but surely you're getting closer ....
  14. bergmarmot


    Hi nickzeff, for Device B I used WinAMP. BTW: The track on the device I also can not play ( On Device A I used SonicStage. I think the WinAMP Plugin is not properly Encoding the MP3 to OMA files. This causes that the file can not be played, that SonicStage can crash and as Stuge showed wrong or incomplete MP3 information (like bitrate is missing in his screenshot).
  15. bergmarmot


    Hi maybe I have an interesting observation. I have 2 NW-HD5's (one I leave in the car, the other for other purposes). One device (A) is completely filled via SonicStage. If I try to open this device in WinAMP then WinAMP crashes. The other device ( was initialized and then manually created the OMGAUDIO folder with the database file. Accessing this decive in WinAMP is no problem. I transferred some MP3's then WinAMP crashed. Restarted WinAMP and could access device B again and even play the transferred songs. Now I open SonicStage. When I try to open a folder of an artist from device B then SonicStage crashes!!!! Device A can be read in SonicStage without any problem. We are facing obviously an compatiblity problem here. BTW: the artist, album and song lists are correctly diplayed on the deviced that used WinAMP for filetranfer ) Cheers mate Just tried GYM on device B, I could not play the MP3's !!! So within WinAMP is works but clearly not with SonicStage and GYM
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