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  1. Did you sell it? I am in Australia, and I have just seen your posting.
  2. I'm guessing these have gone?????
  3. hi there, I have a Panasonic SJ-MJ50 sitting in a drawer at home. It has all parts and works fine, but now I use a Sony Hi-MD for everything. I know you're in the US and I'm in Australia, but just thought i'd see if you're interested. http://www.minidisc.org/part_Panasonic_SJ-MJ50.html
  4. This will probably sound a bit dumb, but does anyone know if i can use an Aussie MD AC power supply on a Canadian model unit? They are all 3v. I can't use the Canadian AC adapter as its 110v, and we are 240v here.
  5. I had a Sony MZ-N1 and it was stolen last year. They left the cradle, charger etc., but took the unit. I have had three MD recorders, and it was the best, so I'd like to track down another.
  6. are you still trying to be rid of this item? how much were you thinking?
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