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  1. Over 150 views since my previous post.. No one who has some experience with these DIY mics with feedback on the samples? Would love to know if the mics are ruined because of too long soldering or not.
  2. Finally found some time to solder caps to the wires yesterday. (had 4 panasonic mce2000 caps) I'm a noob when it comes to soldering, so I messed a bit with first 2 caps. Then thinking I had enough practice, I soldered the wires to the final 2 caps. I took me a few tries but I thought they were soldered ok. I ran a test in front of my stereo. Levels in both channels were not the same, but I thought that was just because the caps weren't matched. Uploaded the sample to my laptop and equaled levels in soundforge. Listening through my stereo which was hooked up to my laptop, I was pleased with the result. But, when listening to it through headphones, despite the fact that I equaled both channels, the sound still came mostly from the right channel. Link to the sample: attempt 1 So, this morning I resoldered the cap of left channel, which again took a few tries. Ran a test in the same setup as yesterday and uploaded the sample. Difference of both channels was 3 db now so I boosted the channel with lower volume till both channels were equal. Listening through headphones now gave a centered sound. Link to sample:attempt 2 Only Thing that bothers me is that bass is much higher than it was before resoldering the cap. I did remove some bass with an eq which does make it sound better: link Because of this bass thing and the fact that I needed a few attempts to solder the caps, I'm affraid soldering time was too long (maybe with both capsules, maybe with just the resoldered one). Maybe someone with more experience on making these kind of mics could give me some feedback on my story and the samples, and tell me if I did solder too long or if it all sounds ok. Thanks in advance ps. Test setup was mics>spsb1 (batt box @95hz)>sony mz-nh600. Also recorded a sample with sp-cmc-2>spsb1 (batt box @95hz)>sony mz-nh600 to compare with the self made mics, if anyone's interested.
  3. I'll just use those carbon film resistors then. Thanks for the offer on the cables. Tho, I just cut open one of the jack > dual mono RCA cables and those are the ones I need, so it won't be necessary for you to send me the cables. I'll post some pics when I'm finished, which will hopefully be at the end of next week since I still have to receive some parts I ordered.
  4. So, I'm trying to make both a battery box and a pair of binaural mics (with panasonic mce2000 caps). I'm a noob on this area, this will be my first experience with soldering and putting an electronic device together. I'm basically facing 2 material problems. first I've found it hard to find the 3.5 mm stereo connector with the cable as shown on the pics on the first page. I've cut open a (bad quality) pair of earplugs but it didn't look like cable on the pic. Maybe someone could point me in the right direction on where to find these. I've got some 3.5mm jack > dual mono RCA cables lying around, would these contain the cable needed? Second I just noticed I've only got 0.25W 10 kOhm carbonfilm resistors. Could I use these instead of the metalfilm resistors? What will be the difference? Thanks in advance
  5. Yesterday I made a recording and I forgot to put the machine on hold. I accidentally paused the recording for a second or so. So now I have 1 wave file of 60 and one of about 5 mins. When I try to combine these using SS 3.1, after combining for a while it says: "an error occurred during the combine." Is this just because there misses a second so they aren't really contiguous or shouldn't that be a problem? Thanks in advance
  6. just wanted to let you know, I recorded 3 (festival)gigs yesterday and none of the recordings had trackmarks in them. So I was worried for nothing BTW, Interpol and NIN rocked!!!
  7. Thx, that brilliant thread should solve my problem I read all the faqs but decided not to read that thread cause I thought it'd only explain how to burn the seperate files gapless to cd, and I wanted to get 1 large .wav file. But after reading the thread properly, I found it explains how to combine all my tracks Thanks again, especially Dex for writing the brilliant thread
  8. Hi, I'm going to record some bands next week with my MZ-NH600. I'll be running mics > batt box > MZ-NH600 (line-in). I tried recording through line-in and it works fine, except that it adds trackmarks every ~2 secs there is silence. I then tried the option from the faq to put time-marks at 60 mins to get just 1 trackmark rather than one at every gap, but it doesn't seem to work Anyone have a solution for this? Thanks in advance
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