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Everything posted by Franco

  1. Manual can be found here: http://minidisc.org/sony_mdse10_manual.pdf
  2. I transfered a few CD's to my NH600 using simple burner. I used a Hi-MD disc. Now I want to make a new disc with a new compilation of CD's. Is there a way to transfer the files from Hi-MD to the PC using Sonic stage with a disc burned with simple burner? I get the error message that the music files where made on a different computer and can not be transferred to the PC. I was using simple burner because I think it is much easier and faster than using Sonic stage. But Simple burner can only transfer files from CD to minidisc, not the other way. Is the only solution using sonic stage to transfer CD to minidisc, because the CD is then added in the library. Or can I tell simple burner to place also a copy on HDD? I also tried using himd_Xtract. I can indeed transfer the files to the computer. Only I can not play them in Sonic stage. Sonic stage can import the file but not play get the message "Cannot play this track. Do you want to connect to the Internet and download the license for the track. I also cannot I render them with himdrenderer. I get the error message from himdrenderer"Failed to *directly" connect source filter (omg_src) to dest filter (omg transform). Must have something to do with DRM. Is there somebody who knows a solution?
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