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Everything posted by Gonzaloif

  1. .... thanks, but still don´t get it. That links get me to download a driver... but still can´t get Sonic Stage 4.3.... my compureting skills are making me sick!!!! How do I download it????? thanks for the help
  2. Hi! I need some help again... I´m trying to download SonicStage from the "Download´s" section but the link does not work. Also tried to get the 4.3 from a link I found in the forum, but the link seems to be broken too. Any idea were to download the installer file? And what is the best Sonic Stage to work with Vista? Thanks for the help....
  3. Thanks for the help! I looked over http://whsle.biz for the RM-MC39LT and the RM-MC37LT . The 39LT is about 20 US dollars more expensive than the 37LT... is it worth it? is the only difference between bothe of the the "AB" function. Any way... i´ll still probably get the 39LT. None of them got backlight, is that right? Well, thank again... thsi forum really works!
  4. Just want to be able to have it all in one.... radio is the thing that i´m missing... any idea of which remote and where could i find it? I've searched for the RM-MC40ELK remote, which was supposed to be a tunner remote, but couldn't find it for sale neither in amazon, ebay or minidisco... any way, if someone knows something about it... thanks
  5. Thats it. I just want to hep out a friend to improve his volume... His equalizer is restricted, it doesn´t have the "custom 1 or 2" option either. Thanks for the help...
  6. Ahhhh... I really don´t know if he bought it here, it might be that someone bought for him in Europe... the volume in his unit is real low. Any way, do you know where in this forum is the hack? just to try it out... Or how could i know if it´s one of the units that have blocked the volume? Thanks for the help...
  7. Hi... A friend want´s to hack his RH-910 becausehis volume is too low. Are latin america´s models also volume restricted? well, anyway... i know in this forum there is the explaination to hack the MD, but i haven´t been able to find it. If someone could help me out... thanks... Oh, another question... is it safe to do the hack? thanks again..
  8. Nirishi, i´ll write in english... I guess you are chilean for the way you wrote... could you help me out with a repair service in Santiago? Is there any good and serious and hopefully cheap repair service in Santiago? Do you know the adress? the telephone or mail? the e-mail you gave me... is that from a repair service? The thing is that i don´t know if the problem is eith the lector... i need to know that first... and the other problem... i wouldn´t be able to fix it up by myself... well, anyway... thanks for your help and i hope you could guide me to a good repair service! Gonzalo
  9. Too bad... i was thinking if getting into service mode could help... maybe because it was recording when it went to the floor that know isn´t reading anything.... anyone knows how to enter service mode? (i haven´t been able to download the service manual...) maybe that could help... The thing is that in Chile, ther tech support isn´t that good. And they tell you that the "reckinstruger" is broken and you just have to belive them and pay them 120 dollars to get it fixed... Thanks for any help... please!!!! anybody!!!! i ran out of music and got no money to get something new or repair my MD! Gonzalo
  10. Hi everybody... first of all sorry for my english i just posted this topic but í havent been able to find it, and don´´t know if i really posted it fine... so i´ll post it again, hoping someone could help me out.... I was live recording with my RH-910 when it fell form a little table that is about 50 centimeters high. I fell with the cable that gives the power to the unit (AC adaptor) pulling the unit toward the floor, so it was a midium-soft crash i would say. Well, despite the crash it continued recording... after a while i stopped the unit a didn´t pay attention on what the unit said when i stopped it. Later, i tried to play a MD an after "thinking" a while it tells me " error de lectura" which is "fail on reading" i guess. Any body knows what can i do about? Thanks for any tips-- Gonzalo
  11. Hi everybody.. i wonder if someone can hep me with the annoying soincstage use... i´m from Chile and haven´t been able to find any friends that uses MD`s to help me out with "daily stuff". I own a RH-910... One of my biggest troubles (i don`t know if its me or is it just the software...) is the way Sonicstage library organizes the albums i import, wich i usually keep as folders with the name of the album... it is just a huge mess! it seems sonicstage can`t just import the folder and keep it in the library as one unit or "folder", instead, it usually will group the songs in some other folders it creates... Any solution to this? Thanks for any hint on solving this... it really make me hate the procss of transfering music to mi Hi MD, so if theres anything that can help... THANKS!
  12. thanks.... any idea if there is a post or page where to find out about the omg, oma files-.... just keep reading those words....just formats and extensions related stuff? thanks afain
  13. Hi, just a few basic questions... just trying tolearn a little bit this minidisc world...! can anybody tell me how do the different formats workbetween the pc/hi-md? when i import a file through sonicstage... does it create inmediateley a "copy"of the file i was importing but in another format? if yes, in which format? what is name of the format in which audio files are stored on the MD (transferred through sonicstage) are those OMA files? and... is there any link or topic in this forum where i can read about this stuff? thanks....
  14. Well, i´ll have to stand alone for south america. I´m from Chile, borned in the north and right know living in the south. Grandparents from Spain and the others chilean. I don´t writte too much because i have nothing to say... but i do have lots of questions! just read a whole bunch of the posts so i could get some of the audio tech knowledge
  15. I´ve been looking for a remote for my unit, and the only one that seems to fit in is one that´s worth about 100 bucks... is there anything a little bit less expensive for the rh910 out there? thanx....
  16. Hahaha, really, ignorance is a bliss sometimes, but this time did work for me.
  17. Hi that´s pretty much it. I need to convience my brother who is in doubt... and i´m sure a bunch of people gets in this forum to decide what poertable music player to buy, and definitely the iPods are a choice. the line in, the high quality audio recording, the size, the versatility of switching discs... that{s enough for me... but i need more stuff! thanx for the help...
  18. Thanks volta, i red all the stuff and sounds good. Just a beginner and maybe stupid stupid question; is there really any real risk if you do this? can really mess it up? thanks once again
  19. Hi Soleil! Yes, i think it is worth, but it really depends on your needs i think. Goods: - storage capacity: for my crappy ears, i really get no quality difference between a 128 mp3 or the 44 atrac3plus, which is the format with the biggest compression and which gives you about 45 hours of music v/s about the 5 hours my old MZ n707, which by the way, was excelent) - speed transfer: it is really fast the speed it transfers, though the conversion time still a little annoying - you can usit as a portable storage device for data and it really works with no problems - the display of the menus and songs info on the lcd screen is really friendly. -the quality of recordings through the mic its great, and easy to transfer to the computer (just the annoying thing you can transfer it only once, but it turned out being just a detail) - the USB connection powers up the unit so there is no worry about that. "Bads" - battery life: i don´t like using the double AA thing you can attach to the unit, so i just use the gumstick, which gives you about 11 hours of playback. The thing is that i was used to my old MD player, whose single AA battery will last for about 56 hours. That was amazing, and i always think that i would have ratther preffer a little bit bigger unit with that battery life capacity than a thinner one using the gumstick battery. OK, 11 hourse isn´t bad, you always have the alternative of the AA, and, you can buy a gumstick battery with more mAh that will play for more time. - the back light. I regret sometimes not buying the rh 10, but it was a hundred dollars more. Thats it, don´t have any technical details, i´m just a "music listener"who wants to take out the best of my MD. I think you should go ahead and just buy it, it is really good.
  20. Hi! Just got an rh-910... pretty good, only a few just some complaints/doubts: -i hate how SonicStage organizes your music, i´d rather preffer just using my mp3 folders on my HD! any idea on getting the library to be "friendly"? - a little bit to low sound in it´s max volume.. (buses in Chile are pretty old and make lots of noise so the max volume isn´t just enough!!) I´ve heard you can crack the units by entering some codes... somebody knows how to do this? Thanks for the help...
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