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Everything posted by mbhbaritone

  1. Ok, just read through the whole thread. There was a question at one point that I don't think has been answered and I'd love to know the answer to: 1. Does 3.2 overcome the previous difficulties with uploading pre-edited (on the HiMD itself) live recordings?? Also 2. Noted that 3.2 does now allow multiple attemptes at upload without delating MD original BUT does that apply to tracks you've already tried to upload (and failed)via in 3.1 and when played are marked as "transfered"?? Struggling to understand a lot of the technical comment as a beginner so if anyone can answer in v simple terms I'd be v grateful. Thanks for your patience!
  2. That sounds like a possible explanation as well for why my one succesful upload only converted partially to WAV (another thread). Thanks TK, it's all bad news but at least i feel less ignorant. Having said that i fear i must risk sighs by asking what TOC stands for as in your comment "written to the TOC of the disK"?
  3. Thanks to TK and others. I will complain as suggested but clearly from other comments I've read in my short time as MD owner this is an ongoing love/hate relationship everyone establishes with Sony with limited response from them. Glad to see i wasn't being stupid but disconcerting, as you say, that a multi-national company is! Just to be clear on SS 3.2. From threads elsewhere there is genuine expectation that new version WILL allow muliple attemps at upload wiithout deleting. BUT are we also hoping that it will cope with pre-editing on MD as well or is that still a bridge too far for the Sony gurus?
  4. Thanks The Low Volta Unfortunately as well as adding titles on MD i also deleted chunks of applause, added track marks and deleted track marks i'd set to be inserted automatically every three minutes. Took me ages as well! Having read link I take it that was a mistake big time as it means I've interfered with this whole 75fps thing?! Assuming my worst fears are correct i.e. i've ruined any chance of SS upload why the hell don't Sony, in the manual, tell you not to edit before uploading?????
  5. re Raintheory's comment. Yes, that is my earlier post and no, no answers as yet. NB I'm quite prepared to accept that I'm doing something else totally stupid that's causing my problems but by definition as a beginner you don't know what it is you're supposed to know/ all the 'givens' that everyone else takes for granted. E.g. I've had one posted reply that implies that editing tracks on the MD before trying to upload may cause problems uploading. This filled me with dread as I'd edited dutifully having read elsewhere that that was best thing to do. Still don't know if my MD edit was a bad move and hence the cause of my other problems. As a layman that seems v unfair but...? yours wearily
  6. Hi. Yes, something similar happened to me when i test ran three times on a 5 minute trackfrom a rehearsal - only 2.07 mins converted to WAV. I posted this as one of a few queries a day or so back - haven't had specific answer but let's hope someone can advise us.
  7. Thanks for comments and advice. Using same numbers: 1. Is it easy to then edit though? Can you do basic editting ie cutting out applause and number tracks in Sonic S or is do you have to use another prog like Audacity for that? 2. I just wondered what the pros and cons were 4. Oh dear that's what i'd tried to do. I highlighted the whole thing (and tried to highlight part) using edit, select but after that no go. I'll read the guides you gave links for. Thanks again.
  8. Hi. Can i pose a few queries that arise from beginners problems with uploading etc. NB I have read through various FAQs and threads but those and the manual etc have given rise to some contradictions/further queries. 1. Should you live edit recordings on MD first and then upload or visa versa. I've now seen contradictory advice. Might this explain why my upload failed - i assidously edited and titled all tracks first. 2. Should you upload and then save (or should i say transfer?) as WAV or do it automatically (i've read that this is poss on SS3.+) i.e in one go. 3. I did succesfully upload an unedited (i'm pretty sure) track (approx 5 mins), and converted to WAV but when opened in Audacity only approx 2.07 mins of it is there. This has happened three times?! 4. Are there guides to Audacity program out there? The help stuff doesn't actually see to tell you how to use it! i.e How do you actually edit stuff - i import saved WAV file (or at least the 2.07 mins of it - see 3.) but the "effects" key etc just has a load of greyed out options - how do you get to use them? Thanks to anyone who can answer/guide me. Since my frustarated post a week or so back i've managed to see how to save CDs onto the MD for portable listening so that's improved my faith in the technology. Just a shame i can't work out how to do the reverse which i bought it for.
  9. Thanks for reply - in answer: Yes! I spent ages editing the tracks on MD first as I'd read somewhere that that was best thing to do - does that mess up the uploading?? Not sure what you mean by system specs (sorry beginer to PC and MD). I'm using a v new and (told by work who's it is) high spec Dell laptop so naively imagine that should be up to the job. Finally, yes, I did have SS 3.0 from the orig CD rom that came with MD but got the 3.1 upgrade off the net and that seemed to delete the 3.0 automatically - I did delete the commercial music store (can't recall name) shortcut that appeared on screen but SS and Product Support shortcuts still there. Have i done something bad??
  10. thanks again for replies; i'll work through as suggested. to raintheory- the first track during which transfer aborted was about 2.5 minutes only long. - the other track that did upload but only half converetd was about 6 minutes only. I was trying to upload without auto convert to WAV (think i'd read somewhere that better to upload without and then covert later) so may try something else with that switched on. Many thanks again to all.
  11. Thanks for taking the trouble to reply guys. I had read some of the links through before and was following the Kurisu thread religiously but... I'll follow your advice so far as i can - the problem for me (and maybe other beginners out there) is that the jargon and sheer amount of background understanding needed is a bit daunting. I guess you learn by mistakes and practice but i wish there was an idiots guide written for the less computer literate. Oh well, thanks again anyway.
  12. Recently bought an RH910, successfully loaded sonicstage 3.0 from the CD Rom and then got the upgrade to 3.1 from web link. Have now tried to upload a personal concert recorded live with microphone. My aim was to save it in my library and then burn CD plus copy and try and improve sound quality using Audacity. I test ran with a rehearsal track which seemed to upload fine but later when i tried to convert to WAV it seems that only half the track had converted. Meanwhile I tried to upload all the concert tracks in one (saved as a group on minidisc). Part way through first track/song I got a mesage box saying there was a problem and the process stopped. There is nothing in my library and when i play that first track on the minidisc it plays but now comes up saying something like "track transfered". Queries then are: 1) I've read that you can only upload once and thereafter sonicstage will delete minidisc. If so have i lost chance with the whole concert/group or just the first track? 2) If i haven't lost all what is the best way to try upload again? Should i try and delete the 'tainted' track from group on the MD first? 3) Any idea what has caused the problem? Was it getting the upgrade to 3.1? 4) Any ideas on what causes only half a track to convert to WAV/appear when opened in "Audacity". Any help very gratefully received. The whole point of getting the MD was to record work and send copies to those unable to attend. I'm starting to think I should have stuck with my old tape recorder - please convince me otherwise! Thanks
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