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About johnwesleybarker

  • Birthday 12/12/1954

Previous Fields

  • Sony Products I Own
    Sony MZ R91 MZ-RH1

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    Musician & Composer etc


  • ATRAC Devices

johnwesleybarker's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Check out this thread Best thing to do is follow the download link for H-MD Transfer application and re-install then connect your MiniDisc after a restart. Don't use a USB hub and be sure your USB lead is ok. Get back here if that doesn't work.
  2. Hi, I've recently upgraded to Leopard. As I write, it's version is 10.5.4 When I ran Hi-MD Transfer for my MZ-RH1, which I still had in my Applications folder from Tiger, it didn't work. So I followed the advice here and went to http://support.sony-europe.com/dna/downloa...x?l=en&f=MT and followed the installation instructions there and restarted my MacBook Pro (2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 4GB). Hi-MD Transfer now works perfectly well with Leopard 10.5.4 and I am SO pleased!
  3. I contacted SonyStyle Europe Sales via e-mail requesting information about the Hi-MD MZ-M100, their reply directed me to phone UK Customer Information Centre on +44(0)870 5111999. So I gave them a call. I expect it will not surprise you when I tell you that they knew nothing of the product.
  4. This is a welcome development. In the last 6 years I've written as many e-mails to Sony to request Mac compatibility, surely I wasn't the only one, cynics amongst you may say this will not have made a difference. I'm a Mac user, so I look on the bright side. Nevertheless, this is great news. I only wish a portable MiniDisc recorder could have an non-Atrac option, i.e. at 44.1 KHz as alternative to the phasing out of DAT machines. The proposition of a quality recording iPod is daft. Removable media is essential. Podcasting may drive this market. I've searched for sources to buy MZ-M100 in the UK, not had much luck. Any ideas?
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