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Everything posted by Paradise_Lost

  1. Thank you for your reply. @ donsajid: I have visited your website and it has good price. I am sure you can ship to by DHL but unfortunately in Vietnam we have to pay tax/duty for everything we import. Thats why everything in Vietnam is expensive and I want to look for a chance of buying from someone visiting Vietnam. It will be more reasonable than I can buy here I think. Anyway, thank you very much for your website. @ thatgift4u: You mean that if I need some MDs, you will sell when you come to Hanoi? A lot of Japanese go to Hanoi nowadays.
  2. If you do happen to come to Hanoi Vietnam on vocation or something and you have a brand new or used but must be in good condition NetMD, plz call me. I wanna buy it. Any model of Net MD is okay for me, but it should have : Optical digital input, stereo analog, micro input and USB port is all I need. I have MZ R900 and 910 but they are now all out of order (recording problem). If I have any chance to deal with you, plz reply me in this topic. Thank you.
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