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Everything posted by crazyman50000

  1. Ice (in car entertainment) system : Toxic TX600N 600W Amp Sony XSL121P5S 1200W PMPO SUB Clarion DXZ758RMC Head unit Front speakers are stocks but pretty good ones...
  2. Ive been a happy user of Minidisc for around 2 years now. Started on a Hi-MD minidisc recorder (MZNH-600D) and then switched to an NW-HD3 as it was end of line at the time so very cheap. At the time, it was good. 48kbps REALLY surprised me at though sounding slightly low quality, was amazing for such low bit rate. Fast forward 2 years and the SS library grew to 2,400 tracks or so. But then, I grew up, got a car (now a Polo 1.0l R-reg) and so I want something a bit more from my audio. So I bought a £350 ICE system, plugged the HD-3 into it and well...no amount of faffing can save me. I get a lot of distortion even at low volume - and it's not the setup. I can play a CD fine with no distortion, mess with the settings for how I want. Switch to the HD-3 and as I said, distortion. My next thought would usually be "auxillary input is crap" but Ive had this in a Renault 5 and it sounded ok. Which leads me to think the Polos' speakers are more sensitive (have a wider frequency response) than the Renaults. So I think, right... Back to the drawing board. Rip some tracks at 64kbps and distortion has gone. So now the dilemma : put up with the distortion or sit and reconvert from CD 2,400 tracks (a sodding DAUNTING task) But now the wheels have clicked 1 reel further : MP3 or OMA. Afterall, if Im reconverting, I only really want to do it ONCE. Should I flog the player, and simply get a 40GB MP3 player dirt cheap (Creative Zens are £130) or maybe even something else? After all, Ill be using ATRAC3+ 132kbps and for that's worth, I could drop Sony, finally be able to use audioscrobbler, not be DRM'd to hell and in the event of a HDD failure at least attempt to recover (yeah SS has a back up tool, but Id rather just click and drag than have to start from scratch every time) Yes, I know Atrac is a better codec, but if I have the space on the drive. I also know Atrac supports gapless audio. Don't get me wrong, SonicStage isn't bad software. It's just that a choice between SS and drag and drop would be nice. To simplyfy : MP3 : + Non DRM + Drag and drop + No more SS + Easily upgradeable and shareable over other devices + Playlists without duplicating tracks + Pick a music manager that suits YOU - Higher bitrate needed for similar quality to OMA OMA : + Gapless + Lower bitrate = similar higher quality - DRM - Sonicstage Sounds very like Ive made my mind up, but Im looking to be persuaded back to Atrac. If I could use OMA as easily as you can MP3 (in swapping, support by hardware) there'd be no contest... Id be using OMA 132. But because OMA just doesnt feel that versatile...Im inclined to sway...
  3. Does this work in 3.4? Because I tried it and it wouldn't load afterwards If it does, can you list what xml files you have to edit please.
  4. Guns n Roses - Greatest Hits Kiss - Greatest Hits 2 CDs that SonicStage thinks are the same After much faffing (and SonicStage thinking K comes straight after G in the alphabet) I resolved the problem by making neither CD a compilation and making every track related to both albums not in compilations. Probably something to do with the way SonicStage recognises compilations. Just seemed weird that it happened, but theres the solution if any one else comes across it.
  5. I used to have one. Very decent player, my brother now uses it as a USB mass storage device. I thought I broke mine (turns out it was the discs) so bought an NW-HD3 instead. Totally loving the HD3. Minidisc players are good until you want to use them as 1 big jukebox. I have 1,700 tracks which isn't practical on MiniDisc player cuz you'de need 2-3 discs which is no good when you just want a good old shuffle of EVERYTHING (which I do frequently) It is dependant on your needs though - as a replacement cassette or CD player - a minidisc player is fine. Myself, I prefer to carry ALL of my music round with me, so I can listen to what I like depending on my mood.
  6. RM-MC35ELK SEEMS to be reported working with ALL older and newer Hi-MD players Tested with NW-HD3S 20GB (S = silver) player and MZ-NH600W UK version (W = white) As long as it says Hi-MD on the player and it's built by Sony, various users from other parts of the net have confirmed it works. The only player that it can't be used with is that special slim one Sony released to celebrate MDs something birthday. Works with MZ-NH series NW-HD series AW series NW series Players as well as some other branded Hi-MD players. If you ain't sure what remote to get, you can't seem to go wrong with this. Picked mine up for a bargain price of £10.50 delivered off ebay
  7. I got my player back from the retailer with "no fault found" Turns out it was the discs. My MZ-NH600 has now been boxed and bunged in my loft. I now have a nice new shiny NW-HD3 with SP OFF and it works fine
  8. @ my problem I phoned up Sony, they said "return to retailer" This models discontinued and Im gunna tell them I can't afford the next model, get a refund, then buy a nice new NW-HD3 off ebay for £40 more!
  9. Pressing pause does jack. I screwed around with a load of memory defaults, now the damn thing won't read or write Hi-MDs Cheap Sony rubbish ¬_¬
  10. I have this problem on a UK NH600 It worked fine till a few days ago Copied over about 600 tracks, disc 1 done Copied about 300 tracks to disc 2 - stalled so I tried formatting, blanking, cleaning the disc and player inside and out - nothing Then I popped in disc 1 and got "access error" Ive had these discs for 6 months now and they start messing up Just get constant access errors with Hi-MDs now Anyone got any answers?
  11. Found something out you peeps might be able to use Pressing group scrolls through the memory deifnitions (I think) But you eventually get some letters that make sense
  12. My first post Been reading this and I must say, Im impressed so far I love my MZ-NH600 European, but for some reason, it seems to take 90seconds - 2 minutes to load an almost full Hi-MD into SS. Is this normal? Anyway, if ANYONE can unlock MP3 playback somehow, help me fix that minor problem (playing is fine, it says 6 seconds on SS 3.2 but then just hangs before loading normally) OR even help me boost sound output (I might have a piss about myself, 600's are only £60 to buy, so it's not like Im arsed if mine breaks) Edit : Found this Type in the code Press up Press up x 3 Press >> till "115" Press V+ till last 2 digits are CC Press group x 5 You should see "VolMax CC" Maybe someone can work out how to "save settings" Ill be able to get a louder OP possibly
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