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  1. Should also mention that i can see/ use the player as a logical drive in Windows...just unrecognisable media in Sonic Stage and MD Simple Burner
  2. Thanks for the link...grabbed it, installed it, installed 3.1 twice (it didn't show the first time, just as you said ...was all prepared to grow a beard in homage! Didn't work though I can see my NH600 as a logical drive in windows but i can't see in with SS 3.1 ...or 3.2 now! (or MD Simple Burner as a test) Bugger! Will have to continue my search Thanks for your help though
  3. Hi there...it'd be a fantastic help if you could find the link to the German SS 3.0 DL as it might save my sanity too... Many thanks Strangely
  4. Recently got a MZ-NH600 (not 600D) and SS 3.1... was all working fine using 80min md's in Hi-MD mode...getting about 13 albums onto one disc with the USB link. GREAT!!! Suddenly i can't get SS 3.1 to recognise the media, even when formatting via Device/Media initialise...it accesses the playeralways says: Used Space 0mb Free Space 0mb Have tried initialising on both player and in SS with no luck Bought a 1Gb disc thinking maybe that would work, but no luck!!! The player still reads all the Hi-MD recorded discs fine, and records via line-in on both the 1gb disk and older 80min ones in Hi-MD mode. I can see the tracks on the older MD format disks, so i know the usb link works...just nothing is recognised with anything recorded in Hi-MD or with new formatted Hi-MD discs If i set the trnsfer window to Net-MD it recognises the 80min disk fine and tells me i have space left, but i can't tranfer stuff across because suddenly SS doesn't like the format... Have installed 3.2, and no change...uninstalled, reinstalled...installed SS 3.2 on a different machine. doesn't change a thing! HELP!!! I have Win XP SP2, so i don't need the MS fix...did grab the PA driver, no help either. Have a 4 USB 2 hub, which it worked with...tried it with and without the hub now At my wits end (((
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