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  1. as far as i know, Hi-MD is recognized as an USB-CD by my notebook(ibm x31) bios. when I power up my notebook, and press F12 to select a boot device. but when you enter windows xp, Hi-MD is recognized as a USB-STORAGE. just like a usb-stick. when I mount Hi-MD under Linux, it shows that bytes per sector is 2048, not as normal 512. I think Hi-MD is a special usb device. unfortunately, I cannot get more information about Hi-MD usb interface. google only tells me something I don't interest.
  2. after reading your posts (using search function. read your whole posts about boot from minidisc) I still cannot understand how you did it. just a simple question: do you really boot from hi-md? if the answer is yes, can you descript how to do that? thanks. ;-)
  3. Hi guys, I post this thread just to express my feeling when I first look at the RH1. I am not a reviewer, I don't know the internal quailty of this unit too. I just give something about this unit since I can first physcially touch this unit. that is the advantage when I work in Japan. personlly, when I bought the R900 and NH3D, I like the ROCK feeling when I touch those units. RH1 didn't give me that feeling. also when I first time touch the RH10. I am not telling you not to buy this unit. ;-) the menu is English. I can't see any japanese charactor in the menu.
  4. yes. since MD is a recorder/player. we will concentrate the quality of the sound. but the first look was not as good as when i saw the NH1. and the price is high too.
  5. nothing wrong with this feature. ;-) you don't get in trouble when lost your cable. since you can find another cable all around the world!
  6. Hi everybody, today i have gone to the BIC CAMERA shop to take a look at RH1, it dispoints me a lot. 1. the eject button is easy to push suddently, I think. when you put it in your pocket. 2. the top buttons are hard to push. also the record button. 3. the font is too small to see. 4. there are 4 rubbers at the button side of MD, it is too small, I think someday in the future they will go. this design for portable MD is meaningless. 5. and others. personally, I don't like the design. I think SONY is lost his ability on designing the MD. after NH1. RH10 and RH1 and other models are bad design. oh. forget to tell you, the USB is mini-B usb. sorry for my poor english. i just can't express how dispoint when I look at it... I decide to buy a NH1 instead if possible.
  7. Yes, I can do it like this way, but it doesn't act as a real soundcard. all I want SONY to do is make the MD act just like an input/output system when connect to the PC. surely I can find a good quality USB soundcard, But I think it will make me feel better that my MD can do that. it is just a dream. I certainly don't think SONY will help us do that... Personly I think the MD has come to its end... currently MD disk cannot produce more high capacity without changing the laser length. that is why UMD disc comes. But UMD cannot record. that is another problem. I don't know what the hell SONY thinks. perhaps SONY want to introduce another recordable media in the future? if it is true. I think SONY must be CRAZY. current situcation is that the cost of MD disk is far more cheaper than memory stick. (I have bought 20 80mins discs today by 1080 JPY, about 10$? ), and I see that SONY has let MD market off... since I am a MD fan, I am sad to see that...
  8. Make MD as a external USB SOUNDCARD. currently I can't satisfy with my notebook/PC soundcard's quality. if sony can make MD as a external usb soundcard. that will encourage a lot of people to buy one... I think it will be possible without modify the hardware of MD.
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