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Chaicom Man

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  1. Thanks for that Volta and Greenmachine I hate re-inventing the wheel but ignorance must be overcome. One thing I failed to think of yesterday, but remembered today, was whether it is possible to run two mikes into an MD so that balance of recording volume input for each mic can be individually adjusted? i.e one mic for drones one mic for the melody part of the instrument with independant adjustment of each mic? Is there an easy and cheap way to pre mix? I suppose one really good omni-directional mic with careful placement would pull off what I am trying to achieve but I am fussy. For my instrument it is crucial to get a good balance in the volume of the various parts. I dont know whether there is a way of modifying the volume of the bagpipe drones after the recording using software. I am utterly ignorant of these finer points. Is this beyond the scope of MD? Sorry but how can I get A440's schematics for the mics and battery box? thanks again
  2. Hello all I am a newbie. I play Irish bagpipes and want to produce a reasonably good CD to sell whilst busking, I would also like to record folk music in pubs. I have done a bit of research into mikes and battery boxes and have looked at the FAQ lists and now wonder about what people would think about the folowing combination of components. I was impressed by the live recordings a friend made using the ECm-ms907. I also gather from the soundprofessionals site that using the line in port may produce a better sound. What I gather is that a microphone needs about 10v of power but the ecm-ms907 only supplies 1.5 volts so it seems that this mike requires further power from a battery box. From previous postings I discovered that when using the n505 with ECM 907 the mike required extra power. Is the following setup a good combination for recording Irish/folk music in a pub? Mz-n505 with ecm-Ms907 mic with soundprofessional mini battery module (or similar). Rather then buy the battery box from sound professionals how easy is it to home construct an equivalent device? Are kits available from generic electronics stores such as Dick Smith or Tandy (Australian stores)? I would like to be able to adjust the recording volume as the MD records without stopping to adjust. Finally what I haven not been able to figure out is (because I have not got the MD in the mail yet) is how I can copy music from the MD player to the computer so that I could produce copies of a self-made standard CD to sell whilst busking. I hope this is sufficiently clear and that this is not annoying those who have been on the list for a while. Sorry for this questions length. Thanks
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