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  1. Thanks, worked very hard on it so good feedback is much appreciated, but criticism is also welcome as it helps us improve. On the subject of the cassettes, whilst testing our products we found that many of the cassette adapters suffered from either poor build quality or poor sound quality (such as the £5 ones available from Maplin). The one we have now (below) appears to be decent quality but there are loads available that simply aren't up to the job. http://www.cavuk.com/product.php?productid=1254&cat=0&page=1
  2. Not from us as we only ship within the UK, but I'm sure that they are available. Remenber that these are illegal within the EU (we sell them with a disclaimer on the back). The UK enforcement of this particular law is virtually non existent but I don't know how strict the German transmissions police are. Cheers Ben
  3. Hi, C.A.V is my company, I was just looking at our stats and noticed a hit from here. We were sceptical about the FM transmitters at first until we tried one out. The quality is impressive as is the battery life. The iRiver one may well be better (it has an LCD display for starters, plus it's powered from the DC socket on the car) but as ours is battery powered, you can put it anywhere - like hidden away in the glove box. We will be stocking a DC powered version next year, but the feedback we've had on this one is good. Remember that because this is battery powered, it can be used in the home too. It also has more frequency steps than most, ranging across the entire FM range.... of course I'm going to say that ours is great as it's my company, but just thought I'd give my input. Oh and just to plug my site - www.cavuk.com - Cheers, Ben Baber Oh yeah, meant to say that while testing these we also found that some of the DC powered devices pick up alternator noise. I'm sure the iRiver one will be good quality, but beware of inferior ones.
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