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Everything posted by n3b

  1. Ay up JazzyBananas! Indeed i have tried different head phones with and without the remote. It seems to be a problem with the socket. This thread: http://forums.minidisc.org/index.php?showtopic=8744 Also seems to be detailing a similair probelm. Also i have tried a new battery in the minidisc player and it appears that it doesn't hold charge, at elast that's whatthe player says - I know it's a brand new battery! Thanks for the reply, n3b
  2. Hey gochefs, Unfortunately I cannot answer your question, but i can sympathise with you! I have the same problem with a MZ-R55. The headphone socket only plays through one earphone channel unless pushed in. What do you mean by shorts? I also am having probs playing from battery, i recently bought a new one on the cheap, gonna givet hat a go tonight. Hope it fixes the problem. I would also like to know if this is easily fixable. Ben
  3. Hi all, Dug out my Sony MZ-R55 the other day and can't quite part with it yet as it has been so useful over the years. The only thing wrong with it appears to be the headphone socket, sound only seems to come out of one ear phone. The only way i have found to remedy this is to push the mini-jack of the headphones in quite hard and sound comes through both ear phones. It's as if the mini-jack doesn't go in far enough... Does anyone know if this easily fixable? Thanks, Ben
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