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About Vladr

  • Birthday 06/13/1972

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  • PlayStation Network ID
    SONY MZ-N707, MZ-NH-900

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. No!! I've SS 3.2 now. When I start convert SS ask about add protection (checkbox on bottom dialog). If it checked SS creates OMG file (I'd a mistake). And conversion tool of SS don't give me convert this files (copyright)
  2. Installed OpenMG Secure Module have playback only OMA but not OMG audo files. What's wrong?
  3. If I'll be use only SimpleBurner can it playback OMG files?
  4. it was a successful experiment (prev. post) I installled only OpenMG Secure Module, Personal Audio Driver, OMG Limited Patch on clean PC (never exists SS on that PC) and OMA works. But with OMG MediaPlayer say about unknown error (rights protected I think). So if you have OMA track you can playback on any PC with preinstalled driver without SS. I confused SS didn't convert from OMG to OMA format.
  5. It means I can't playback omg/oma tracks with ATRAC3.OCX codec? If I install to PC only OMG Limited Patch, OpenMG Secure Module and Personal Audio Driver from SS 3.2 distr can it helps to playback this files?
  6. Hi All, I want to listen OMG & OMA mediafiles on my PC without installed SonicStage. Install only ATRAC3.OCX on my PC gave not any result. Windows MediaPlayer said about unknown media format and didn't find right codec. On Minidisc.org was written about MediaPlayer Plugin for ATRAC but that URL is dead. Where can I find this plugin & How can I listen this files with MediaPlayer or WinAmp?
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