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Everything posted by astfgl

  1. astfgl

    track marks

    hi i have a mx nh600 and i have some albums on it with secret songs, (untitled songs that actually appear on the same track as the last titled song on the album but only play after a large gap of silence) every time i try to put a track mark at the start of the song, so i dont have to listen to the 5 or 10 minutes of silence i get the "trkfrom pc, NO EDIT" message. DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW TO GET AROUND THIS? even if some-one knows a media player where i can (easily) put in track marks, so i can transfer the tracks to sonic stage for recording, i would be happy also does anyone know why this is there? I know you can't copy a track back to a pc if its not the one you recorded it from, but why cant you edit it?
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