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    MZ-R900, MZ-NH1

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  1. Not really much help. But that happened to me once with an R900. I ended up playing around with it for a while, trying anything i could, and eventually i got it out of service mode & back to normal. This was a while back so i'm not sure what i did, maybe just play around with some settings? Find a service manual online perhaps? ...Worse thing was that it was my friend's R900 which i borrowed to record, since mine stopped recording haha
  2. I remember seeing them using an MD (as data storage) in a few eps of Dark Angel. No screenshots sorry.
  3. Yeah thats what i was talking about. It's just easier when travelling i can just take a couple of AAs rather than carrying around my charging cradle & adapter.
  4. Nope, definitely an NH1. I am fairly certain that the AA case can attach to the recorder (connection on the AA case should be the same as when you charge the recorder in the cradle), just that it has no screw holes to hold it there. This was from some link posted here on this forum some time ago. From memory, the author just used a rubber band to hold the AA case in place.
  5. I am after the AA battery case for an N10, to use on my NH1 on which i've read it can work with (if someone has actaully tried this and was unsuccessful, could they please let me know). I would prefer to buy off someone in Australia (easier if local, & cheaper to post), but if none are available then i will consider anyone else overseas. Thanks.
  6. Hi all, I have been importing several of my MP3 albums into SonicStage 3.3 without problem so far but, there are 3 specific albums that I have not been able to import. Everytime i attempt to import them, whether by using SS3.3 or just drag n drop from the folder, it causes SS to crash each & everytime without fail. Even if i try to import/drag n drop each song individually it still crashes. It is always the same albums, I have even deleted my entire library and re-imported them all again but still the same result. I have checked them and they are all 192kbps not VBR, i also did a search and read something about having GIF cover art creating problems & to rename to jpg, but there is no cover art assigned to the files only one jpg image in the folder. I have tried importing both with & without my NH1 plugged into the USB both to no avail. Has anyone else had this problem & found a fix for it? I've already done several searches & still can't overcome this problem. Thanks
  7. Yeah i am also after one of these cases but as of yet havnt found any except for the one from Sony Direct which i ain't gonna be getting. If anyone else can find fine please post up. Thanks PS. I am fairly sure i saw one on Ebay UK last time, but when i did a search just now, it was the normal one with different connection.
  8. How about the best portable MD past & present, recorder or not, in terms of build quality. Im guessing in shock resistance etc not much stands up the sports model (S1 i think it was?). But how about top end quality...if you get what im talking about (bit late over here 4.40am) hehe. Not sure if you'd want to include the Qualia one, as that is sort of in a league of its own. Sorry for hi-jacking the thread, just thought it was similar to this one and didnt want to make another one (new here). Mods feel free to move/delete as you see necessary.
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