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  1. Thanks again, I've just downloaded and installed SS Ultimate, and imported an album in MP3 format into it. This has transfered to my HD1 (converted to ATRAC 3) absolutely fine. Cheers
  2. Thanks for the reply, like i said I have no problem converting my library to another format for portable use, foobar handles that with ease. Are you sure once WMA's or MP3's have been imported to sonicstage they can be tansfered to the HD1? I ask because I seem to recal adding lots of tracks to SonicStage in the past but not being able to transfer them to my HD1. Can you still sync an HD1 with a new installation of sonicstage?
  3. I've just found my old NW-HD1, I haven't used it for years and just listening to a few of the tracks on it remined me of what a fanastic little device it is, with great sound quality for 256bit ATRAC3s. However all my muisc is now ripped to FLAC format (Squeezebox's and Foobar2000), and I seem to remember having issues transfering music to the HD1 last time I dug it out. Can anyone tell me if there is a way to import my FLAC library into sonicstage so it can be transfered to the HD1? I don't mind making an interim MP3 library if it's possible. I'm runningt win8 but I have access to 7 and Vista machines if that is required, I could even install an XP virtual machine if nessessary. Cheers
  4. Thanks very much It's all working now Sony UK's web site is useless, the latest version they have is 2.1 Thanks again.
  5. Hi everyone, I had a quick search through the forum and couldn't find a answer to my problem, so here goes... In the sticky "SonicStage 3.3 [all Regions] - Download Links" there is a link to the European version of SS3.3. After downloading the file and downloading/installing the software when I try to authenticate my NW-HD1, it tells me that i'm outside the US (i'm in the UK) and that I have the US version of SS Is this just a crossed link in the sticky? Can anyone tell me where the European 3.3 is located? Thanks
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