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  1. gday, I was just wondering if this version of sonic stage is for all countries or not. i live in australia and have downloaded a eruopean version in hte past and it recorded really bad so i had to swap back to my original, if it isn't for all countries, what is the latest version for australia and where can i download it. cheers.
  2. thanks for the info. just curious about where ya buy them online??? cheers. also do any people from australia now where to purchase the himd discs froms.
  3. gday all. i have a freind heading to america and i was just wondering what the price of himd blank discs where over there, would probably be gettin gthe 5 packs. if anyone could help with info that would be great and also the best place to get them thanks heaps.
  4. gday all i just found the great deals at mini disc australia the other day and i just wanted to ask a couple of questions about the Sony MZ-NH1. the first one was dose it actually come with a radio, i have herd people say that it dose. and second of all is the unit all metal or dose it have a plastic back? thanks for any replys cheers.
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