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Everything posted by ddardani

  1. Thanks guys for the quick repsonses. Sony "customer support" tried to tell me that reinstalling SSv.3.3 with my firewall off and antivirus disabled would fix the problem. I told the technician that I highly doubt that it would fix my errors, but I decided to try it anyway. Of course, they were wrong. I gave up trying to get help from Sony. So then, as you all suggested, I just downloaded DBpoweramp and converted the tracks to .wav and finally got them running as ATRACs on Sonic Stage. It still isn't perfect, but thanks for the workaround guys. My party on Saturday night thanks you too.
  2. Likewise. I have a couple of data discs with dozens of mp3s that I want to listen to on my desktop using SonicStage ver 3.3. I click on "Import Music Folder" and direct SS to the [cd] "D:" drive. The songs do "upload" as they show up in My Library but remain in mp3 format. When I attempt to convert them to ATRAC3 so they can be heard from my PC speakers, I either get an "omgjbox.exe has encountered a problem and will shut down" error, or an error that cites triplet of possible reasons "location/format/rights". Unsure what do do next. Some of these posts say to used MDAC repair tool and hope for the best. Some say to try converting the mp3s to wav format and then convert to ATRAC3. What program converts mp3s to wav for free? I have no experience with either solution and am hoping that an expert out there can help! I swear in the past I was able to convert mp3s from a borrowed burnt data data to ATRAC3 for playing on my PC and transfering to my NetMD player. It looks like I can no longer do that. I have reinstalled everything -- 3 times over and am super fed up. I will give it one more chance before I give up and just convert to itunes for the sake of my sanity.
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