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  1. It works great for me too, but with it I can only put songs on my RH10, and not my E405, anyone know what's wrong?
  2. I just installed Sonicstage 3.4, and it works fine with my MD. But with my NW-E405, it won't let me put songs on it because it gives me an error saying Sonicstage 3.4 won't support the NW-E405! It says I have to delete all the songs on the E405. How can I do that if Sonicstage won't read the E405? Well anyways, can I have 2 different Sonicstages on my computer? For example can I have 3.0 and 3.4? Thanks!
  3. Thanks for the input everyone, the headphones I have are Sony MDR-G57 and they have great bass. However I decided to go to the Sony Store today, asked a few questions and I am deciding to go with the MZ-RH10!
  4. Im looking for a Hi-MD that has the best sound quality available right now. I like bass, lots of bass! So any suggestions on which one has the best, clearest sound quality with lots of bass? Thanks!
  5. JT22


    Does this MD have digital mega bass? Do all newer MD's have it?
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