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Everything posted by Mut68

  1. nope, iv reset 1000 times or somthing it dose noting
  2. DAMN think has mucked its self up the day before my holiday!!!! BOO SONY!!!! ok it was fine last nyt i instaled the new updates for connect and that other thing was CRAP because it on works in the friggin US!! so i put some choons on the player and it worked fine and it played, but this morning it desided because i was going on holiday to to kill its self! dose any one know how to solve this problem? or will i have to throu it throu the sony center window! BTW, this has happend before all the time it gets stuk on the spining disk and dosent do anything after 1000000 restarts i leve it for an hour or two and it worked fine, i have 2.1 firmware in it i think and the lateised connect thing. plz help i go on holiday tomorrow!
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