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MZ-NF610 Owner

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Everything posted by MZ-NF610 Owner

  1. "Give us a week or so. :ok" I just downloaded & installed SonicStage 3.4 onto my computer which has never before had a program installed on it that was designed to interface with my newly purchased MZ-NF610. After what appeared to be a successful install, the software required rebooting. Then, when opening SS3.4 for the first time, one step the process recommends is to "Import" music files I already have on the hard drive. After about 10 minutes of this process, a box popped up stating "Omgibox.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close." It suggested filing an error report, which I approved, then closed SS3.4. Naturally, any software failure is frustrating. But this error message only reported "Omgibox.exe has encountered a problem," rather than stating something like (hypothetical) "Music file xxxxxxxxx.mpg is improperly encoded and must be removed to complete importation process." At least a message like that would give users a hint as to what they can do to resolve the problem. I believe the general case statement, "has encountered a problem," should be replaced with a specific error report that can assist humans resolve what ever problems may be encountered. Any suggestions as to what I should try next? Thanks for your consideration, John
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