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Everything posted by lloverin

  1. My Internet station, the Hits of Yesterday (at Live365.com) will die on May 10. I see no future for small webcasters like myself who have spent all my money (no support, no advertisers) on my "hobby". Thanks, RIAA. Thanks, CRB. -Larry Lovering www.solidhitsradio.com www.live365.com/stations/lloverin
  2. Adobe Audition here. Upgraded from Cool Edit Pro. Still the most flexible I've found, tons of VST and other effects. We use Audacity at my church to record music and messages from the sound system, not too fancy but works well. -Larry
  3. Thank you. I'm hopeful I can bypass Sonic Stage someday to pull the live recordings off my MD without worrying how much I checked in or out. -Larry
  4. I stumbled across this today and thought it would be nice to use with my Hi-MD RH910. Alas, the program does not recognize a Hi-MD disk, or perhaps even a Hi-MD recorder. It seemed to wake up when I plugged in a NE-410. Anyone else using this with a HI-MD recorder? -Larry
  5. All of the USB turntables I've seen have built-in RIAA equalization, and they appear in the computer as an audio device. When you record from them, and most have software to do that, you choose the USB audio device as the input. It is really simple. -Larry
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