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theblueraja last won the day on December 24 2011

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  1. PM sent... and ... we talked too (;
  2. Thanks for the link, but I'm not about to take any risks with an overseas auction that isn't Ebay.
  3. If it is still fully functional then yes, but of course the overall look would affect price... please PM me further details - and a photo of front & back would be very helpful, thanks Danny.
  4. Anyone here willing to part with a MZ-E730?? This has really become my main MD unit and I'd love to have another. I own 2 silver and that's just not enough... would love to have the black or bronze. I'm actually not too picky on condition this time, as long as it works perfectly. Come on guys... I KNOW there's at least 2 people here who own this unit... name your price. Thanks.
  5. People ask me all the time if I'll sell an EH1, well I'm finally letting go of one of the backups... I just don't think I'll ever use it. As much as I love the forum I don't feel like dealing with offers/counter-offers, etc so I just posted this up on Ebay, but thought I'd at least give you all the heads up. Raja's backup MZ-EH1 on Ebay
  6. UUGGGGHHH... if I get one more response that doesn't have to do with offering me a unit.... (*gets all happy when I get an email notification for this thread*) @Kain... I guess I can never let go of this format.
  7. I have a blue, and a silver on the way... so now I wish to complete the collection and get the orange (red?) one... anywone here have one they are willing to part with? I wouldn't mind a backup blue either. Thanks - PM me.
  8. PM replied to. So sorry - I've just really been swamped. Thanks.
  9. Sorry - I got extremely busy getting work done before leaving for a trip, and now I'm about to return from it. Oddly, I'm online with mobile more often and I can't seem to FIND the MAILBOX for this website since the update... I know when there's a NEW message there's a number in the upper right corner but I don't see how to access mail when there is no new mail. Help?
  10. For all of those who have sent PMs/emails - I'm just letting you know I intend to get back to everyone this weekend (probably Sunday) - thanks for your patience.
  11. I've sold a couple units, but the rest I plan to sell via Ebay.... too many PM's and units at once overwelmed me, sorry.
  12. wow... a sad, yet amazing discovery. Luckily I don't use my RH1 for playback
  13. This may be a stretch, but is it at all possible its just an odd combo with your particular set of headphones??... have you tried using a lineout cable or another headphone?
  14. Ok, 1Kyle's posts have been revelatory. Ineed this thread needs to be split. I just updated my version of Sun VirtualBox (my Virtual XP) since I always ignored the "hit OK for the newer version" and the program seems to run a bit better and have more options... most importantly what has enabled me or perhaps inspired me to do something thanks to 1Kyle's directions. While I'm not going to use the CDimage thing, Alchohol, nor SimpleBurner, just check out MY setup: (keep in mind the whole reason I'm using a virtual XP is because NetMD drivers won't work to make LP2 discs) 1) Using SonicStage in my Vista 64bit platform, I rip a CD (132kbps). 2) I set my SHARED Network folder in my Virtual XP to be the root folder that SonicStage saves to (C:/ProgramData/Packages/SonyCorporation/SonicStage/Packages) 3) In SonicStage on my Virtual XP, I simply then IMPORT directly from that shared file. BINGO! That's IT. My SonicStage in Virtual XP now contains the exact same music file I just imported via SonicStage in Vista, now available to go to MD via my Virtual Machine. How cool is THAT??! Thanks again 1Kyle for the inspiration.
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