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Everything posted by charlotte

  1. Can single HI-MD record without mic? Charlotte
  2. Hi, I am a classical singer studying in the University. I just bought MZ-NH700 Recorder, now I am looking for a very good QUALITY mic. mY friend haS been using sony ECM-MS907, She said it is very good. But she's a pianist, I am a singer.( Classical singers voice carry more and have more vibrations.) I used hers one time in a recital Hall, it didn't record my voice perfectly,(it got popping noise) especially on the high pitch. Maybe because I didn't know how to use it. 1)I also heard that AT822 is a good one, but the price is over $200. ECM-MS907 is $70-80. Does it mean that AT 822 is better? If there is no much difference, I would rather pay less for ECM-MS 907. Anyone can compare two of them? 2) Are there any other good mics that I don't know? I mean the quality is good as AT822, price is about the same. I can't afford if it's too expensive. 3)Oh, my friend gave me AT801 for free. I couldn't find it on the internet because it's the old model. I need to buy an adapter to fit into my HI-MD. But if AT801 can't record my voice as it is, I need to buy another one, it's unnecessary to pay $5 for it. Anyone can give me some suggestions on that? It's worth trying or not? Thanks so much for your help! Charlotte
  3. Hi, guys, I bought MZ-NH700 at minidisco.com, I ordered on Feb.9th and it arrived on the 20th, which is yesterday. A little bit too long. I want to thank you all for your help and information. Now I am going to buy a good mike. I need to go to the MIKE forum since this is a MD forum. When I have the MIke and familiar with all other functions, then I can tell the product I bought at minidisco is a good one. Thanks! Charlotte
  4. Thanks very much for the website. I checked it out, now I have another question, what's the difference between MZ-NH700S and Sony MZ-NH700L? Is that the same one 'MZ-NH700' you are talking about?
  5. Hi, everybody, thanks for the information. I 'v learnt so much during these a couple of days. Sure, i will load my singing CD into 'GALLERY" LATEr, if I know how to do it. nOW the problem is how to buy NH700? Where I can find them, maybe I should wait a little while? Thanks a lot! Charlotte
  6. I live in USA,I don't care the radio, I just care if it can record good quality sound, because I am a classical singer. NH800 IS NOT GOOD AS NH 700 OR NH 900? Thanks!
  7. Thanks very much for all taking the time answer my questions. I found out that NH800, 900 model are more expensive than RH 910 on the internet, could you tell me why? Would anybody provide me some good, honest websites that sell Sony MDs? I don't know if I can trust Ebay, especially MD recorder, of course I need a NEW one, but even if it says "new", I am unsure if I should trust. Thanks very much Charlotte
  8. Thanks so much for all your replY! It is very helpful for me. I am a music student and a classical singer at School, so I will use it for self-analysis(voice lessons, rehearsals) and also if it's in very good, clear sounding(that's why i will buy AT822 mike), I will use it for audition or competition CD. The reason I chose MD is because it's cheaper(old model) and many people say R-55 is good. Since I couldn't find it, I might take your suggestions on HI-MD and try "something700-900", I don't know the difference between Mz-R and Mz-NH. Would you please give me some informationa on that? Thanks so much for all your help! Charlotte
  9. Hi, I am a classical singer, I want to buy a MD recorder with a very good microphone. I found that "Sony MZ-R55 Minidisc recorder with an Audio Technica AT822 self-powered stereo mike" is a good choice. I don't have a lot of money so I don't care whether it is a MD or Hi-MD because I am going to buy a very good quality microphone. But Sony MZ-R55 Minidisc recorder is unavailable anywhere on the internet. Could anybody give me some suggestions on that? Is there any other MDs that can sub for MZ-R55? I really care the quality since I need it to record my "real voice". Thanks so much! Email: Sumia700@hotmail.com Charlotte
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