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Everything posted by Rayadicto

  1. now have SonicStage 3.4... same thing happen using Hi-Md and Net-Md discs... now i gonna try another player...
  2. no español?? ok my english is not good so i hope you can understand my HI-Md was working fine, someday i was recording some tracks and the error come out ACCES ERROR then i got FILE FORMAT ERROR and i cant format the minidisc in anyway so i buy a new minidisc of 1 GB and... i got "Access Error" with MZ-NH600D Here's how the error shows up: The recorder will say it is recording with SonicStage 2.0 If I transfer one track, SonicStage will show it is transferred, however my player shows that it is recording and does so for about 5-6 minutes. After that time has elapsed, "Access Error" shows up on the display of the player and nothing is written to the minidisc. i dont belive in the position of the divice affects the recording of something so my theory is: the Minidisc has a file management files in hidden one named "HI-MD.IND" and the folder "HMDHIFI" and these file could be damagned, can we remplace it from a Minidisc that works fine??? ..... 4AAA1308E is the serial of the disc that works for 4 months of playnig and recording 4AAA191ME is the serial of the brand new disc of the ACCESS ERROR i dont really know if that is the problem so let me know if you discover something i dont want to accept it but maaaaaaaaaybe our divices are damanged or something... but i had tried NET-MD discs and works fine so i dont think that is the divice ... SONY.... help us!!!
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