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  1. And WHY should this be a problem for SONY or anybody else? I've read a whole lot of people repeatedly asking if it was finally possible to upload non-Hi-MD-recorded stuff and, as the answer has been repeatedly given: NO! Your old MD collection is forever doomed to pass through a re-recording process if you want to get it onto your PC. But the question I haven't seen any speculation about is WHY? I've got my performances that I recorded on MD as a way to easily capture and store in high quality though SONY has stubbornly persisted in locking up this marvellous format. Now, they've opened the door pretty wide at long last but all the long-time MD users are left twisting in the wind - even though we're ready to buy an upgraded unit to gain the functionality. Anyone care to suggest WHY this might be? I cannot fathom. economy1
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