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  1. i took a brief look at d-ne300 and d-ne20 SM's. first of all, they do not indicate explicitly how the power red. is done. 1) dne-300 fortunately the power amp (IC301, page 2/4) is pretty easy to find data on (the schematics shows Toshiba's TA2120FN, while component list Panasonics AN7531SA). it seems that it has an attenuation pin (pin 13 ATTSW). when it is disconnected from the ground, then the voltage gain drops by approx. 8dB i.e. approx. 2.5 times. perhaps that's the trick? dunno, as i dont have dne300, but dne900. 2) d-ne20 hopeless due to digital amp, the phones are directly driven by the system controller. mu gut feeling is that here it must be done with a software best, me
  2. i doubt it is firmware. i think it is hardware. i saw that there is service manual of d-ne20. although completely different, will try to see how they achieve power reduction. in the optimistic case that would be either series resistor or some, say, voltage divider setting power amps amplification ratio. in the worst - a weaker amp alltogether. anyway, does anybody have a service manual for d-ne900? best, phixphi
  3. hi all! i'm new here so be nice most probably this has already been discussed here: is it possible to increase power on EU models from shamefull 1.5mW to 5mW??? i'm primarly interested in D-NE900 as that's what i have. i like the sound and the stable operation, but i get a feeling that it starts to clip and chokes on louder passages. does anybody know how the power restriction is achieved? firmware? a series resistor? entirely different output amp chip? perhaps somebody has a service manual of D-NE900 and can upload/send via PM? please help poor euros! best, phixphi
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