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Posts posted by navsimpson

  1. Yeah, I also just downloaded it out of curiosity. Was hoping it was going to work with the PSP... But after testing out the Zune software (also out of curiosity), I was really impressed. It's clean and fast and organized. I think if I need to replace my DAP, I'll wait until they release the Zune 80GB in Canada.


  2. Yeah, I was wondering that too. It seems now that Sony fans finally have some decent players, we have less to complain about! :) Maybe when Media Manager comes out, we'll all be back griping about how it doesn't work...

    I would guess that Sony is going to hold off on releasing any new players for a while. Maybe middle of next year?


  3. Okay fine! When I said tech savvy, I meant that the sort of person reading a CNET review usually has some familiarity with tech and many readers are 'tech savvy' i.e. use hacks, have brand preferences etc. Besides, wouldn't reading a wide variety of reviews count as 'doing one's own research'? I've been burned a couple of times by CNET reviews - they rated a pair of Logitech speakers highly and they were just awful), but their reviews are pretty decent and Jasmine seems to be on top of her stuff. I just thought it was important because a mainstream-ish tech site gave a positive review to a Sony DAP, which almost never happens. PC World gave the s610 series a 3.5/5 because of 'limited video format support' - even though the iPod also supports only one type of video (i.e. the same format the s6x an a8x support!), so it's good to see that Sony's belated improvements have been recognised.


  4. Yeah - in terms of lacking sparkle, I find that LAME tracks sound much more detailed in the high-end (whisper, cymbals, reverb etc.) than ATRAC. Back to back, ATRAC 352 and LAME VBR 0 sound pretty much the same to me, but LAME is basically half the size.

  5. There is very little innovation in the iPhone. Apple is not Alexander Bell or Thomas Watson. However, Apple is an innovative company like many other is the DAP and cellphone industries.

    please read: http://www.kansascity.com/business/story/265922.html

    I would strongly disagree. The iPhone is innovative precisely because of the interface, not what the interface does. If one were to argue that is function that is paramount, then you could say that the existence of arrow keys on a keyboard means that the mouse wasn't really innovation. The iPhone, like the iPod before it, prioritises the experience of using the device as a fundamental tenet of its aesthetic and functional presence. I find my Walkman is perfect for my uses, but I never enjoy using it - it does nothing to make me feel more connected to my music collection; if anything, it throws up barriers through an ugly, clunky interface. Basically, if iPods just sounded better, there would be no reason to look at Sony products.


  6. I seriously wouldn't mind paying a bit more for the noise cancelling feature if it really improves audio quality.

    So far, I'm still hesitating which of the new Sony DAPs to buy or should I just keep waiting... So tempting to buy one right now haha...

    Because noise cancelling is an extra layer of audio processing, it usually degrades audio quality. If it's the difference between you hearing your music or not, then obviously it's beneficial, but some good in-ear headphones (Shure, Sony's higher end models) are probably a better solution unless you fly a lot.


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