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Everything posted by Borlag

  1. I have the same MD unit and for me it's lasted for 4½ show (multiple bands, 4½ hours was the actual playing time), the trip back home (listening to the recording) and for transferring the show via USB. The battery indicator hadn't dropped even once after that. So all in all, I'd say that you shouldn't have to worry about the battery at all provided you're using a new one. With that MD model though, when you're recording with microphones, you'll need the batterybox or selfpowered microphones such as Sony ECM-719, otherwise you'll end up with a disc full of nothing. Even with that, the recording will be real quiet and basically requires you to boost it in audition or other similar program. Haven't recorded through soundboard with is myself but I suppose you shouldn't have much problems with that.
  2. I'd like to have the system all set up as soon as possible so that I could do couple of testrun tapings at local clubs before trying the bigger bands at arenas, which would happen in about 2 months time (3 shows in 2 weeks). The MZ-RH1 sounds good but my problem has been for awhile now that the stores here don't always sell the latest models and getting microphones especially has been very difficult, even when ordering online (no creditcard so bank transfer or billing only). I've also spotted some used NH700's in a finnish equivalent of eBay, and it looks like I could get one for about 50-80€, depending on the age and condition of the deck. I just always prefer to buy things new so I know exactly what condition it is in, not to mention the guarantee.
  3. Hi all, I currently own 2 portable MD units (Sony MZ-R70 & Sony MZ-R501) and Sony ECM-719 microphones, both of which are capable of recording. Now the actual problem is which of the units would produce the best audio quality (lossless preferred). The connections on the MZ-R70 are these: mic for plugin power & line in (optical), and for the MZ-R501 it only has a line in (optical. Should I use the oldest model and ditch the battery from the microphone, or should I try the microphone on the optical line in jack, which to my understanding should work with a standard stereojack microphones also? Also, my computer's soundcard has only analog linein and that has led me into the third choise; Sony MZ-NH700/s, which would also allow me to transfer the audio via USB (I'd only record with the microphones). In my local store I could get that for about 250€ and it's definitely a price I'm willing to pay if the quality of recording would be greatly improved. Oh, and I'd be recording live music in club sized venues as well as arena sized venues.
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