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Everything posted by philb

  1. And I gotta say, this thing is cool! I stumbled across a MZ-DN430 on sale in Walmart early last week. After wondering what the heck it was and whether it was a good deal at $60.00, I started to research on the web. I remembered hearing not so good things about minidisc a couple of years ago and at the time did not take further. But after a few days of reading and finding this forum I bought the 910 off Amazon. I am impressed. The sound quality is awesome. I'd also been looking at getting some Sennheiser PX100's for general listening for a while, and decided they would make the perfect combo for my first experience with Minidisc. So far the sound this thing makes ( and the phones too ), is certainly impressing me. All I've done is transfer a couple of CDs to a 1 gig disc using Simple Burner. Will post more as I get the chance to play around. Thanks for the great site, enabling me to pull down SS 3.4 and avoiding the issues of the earlier versions. Much appreciated. How can something so small sound this good? (I remember when I thought my Philips portable cassette player sounded great!!) Phil.
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