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Everything posted by stargazer_tom1

  1. Thanks for the info, A wireless remote sounds great! So wired remotes have been faded out then?
  2. Hi in the manual it says that if u dont use the player for a while, when u start using it again the battery life will be short and the capacity will increase with charge/discharge cycles...i didnt use my a1000 for 2months and when i went to use it the battery life was terrible but it soon fixed itself with a few charges! Maybe thats whats wrong with urs -Tom
  3. Hi, Thanks for the reply i understand what u mean but i should clarify if i have the eq off and i turn it on too custom 1 which is flat their is a drop in spl only a slight one its annoying as i have 32ohm headphones and i dont use a dedicated amp so i need the volume close to max on the player but when i wanna add more bass etc the volume drops further as i have to turn the eq on?? Any ideas anyone? Thanks
  4. Hi i was wondering why sony has dropped remote connectivity on their most recent DAPs? Does anyone know if any future walkmans will have the ability to connect a remote? I want to upgrade from my a1000 Thanks
  5. I cant believe no-one has heard of this problem??? is it just unique to me then.... If anyone has any ideas please get back.....ive done the volume unlock so its not that......
  6. Hi, I was wondering if anyone else out there is having eq problems with their a1000/a3000.The problem being the fact that when i use my eq the volume drops heaps even though the volume on the player stays the same. Therefore when i use the eq, max volume is lower then when i have the player on max volume without the eq on? The sound pressure therfore drops when i turn my eq on....is this normal? The player has done this since i brought it over a year ago Thanks heaps, i was also wondering if their is a way to change the bass frequency of the eq to say 60hz or something using the service manual? thanks again guys, any help will be appreciated
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