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Everything posted by jurin

  1. thank you for your effort patrix... i want to share something with you, last night i have tried to replace the bean omgaudio with the E00x omgaudio, then i found that only 2 songs can be transferred to the device. the transferred songs stored in Ghostbuster(i dont really remember it.something like that la.) and acoustic album. i realized that, even i create my own album name through your software, it stills produce same result. the device only show the two albums that i don't even know where they come from.... i hope this can help you to figure out how to make your software works with bean. thanx in advanced.
  2. yes, my bean works with sony mp3 file manager. but i have used your software for my nw-e002f for some time and now i decide to use it for my bean. unforunately, it doesnt work with it. the differences between the nw-e00x's and bean's omgaudio are as follows: + 01TREE2D.DAT + 03GINF2D.DAT + RESERVED.DAT the files above are from the E00x's omgaudio. so it is possible for your mp3 file manager to works with my bean?
  3. yes i have tried your software and it produces "No Data" in my bean. it means that my bean couldn't detect any song that i have transferred. what is the problem with your software and my bean?
  4. hi patrix, does your software work with sony bean?
  5. hi, skyInthesea, your name is very funny ahh... hmmm...i think, this can help you to run or open the jar file..just follow the simple instruction below ok.. 1.open the notepad application 2.just type " java -jar NW-E003_MP3_File_Manager-0.xx.jar " in the notepad application. 3.save it as bat file(e.g: run.bat).put the file into same directory with the jar file..ok. 4.thats all then...just double click on the bat file.... very simple right....ehehhehehheh...smile..
  6. wow, great update pat. there is no more robot voice on my mp3 player. thanks for the bitrate conversion option.now i can transfer my various mp3 bitrates without any problem. Thanks pat.
  7. i dont know why, if i use sonicstage to transfer my mp3s, there is no problem with my mp3s sound even there are various mp3 bitrate.but when i use other software this problem will exist...i was confused about this....could someone explain to me why is it happened?
  8. i've downloaded your latest version software and it works well. but some of my mp3s sound like a robot voice...huhh...it was very funny...and i was wondering if you can help me to solve this problem. anyway, your software works well with my E002F...Thanks.
  9. hi Patrick Balleux i've download this software last night and it works well with my nw-e002. but i would be better if we can create playlist through this software...anyway, thanx for that software...
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