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Everything posted by nimishprasad

  1. Thanks for all the info. I guess i have eliminated RH1 now. Still deciding between DH10P and RH10. What kind of batteries do they take? Do they have to be charged by removing the battery from the unit or is it charged by just using the adapter of the MD player or by inserting the USB into the computer? What exactly do u guys mean by the HD Amp sounds "harsh"? I basically listen to jazz, blues, retro, african, rock (not heavy metal), indian classical instrumental stuff if it helps u guys. I used to have a NH600D but it was stolen ... damn ... hehehe ... just looking for something better now since i can afford it ...
  2. I want to buy one among MZ-RH1 or MZ-RH10 or MZ-DH10P primarily for listening to music. Will rarely use the recording funtionalities (as of now). I wanna buy the one which has superior sound quality. I will be using the Grado SR60 headphones with whchever MD player i would be buying. Do all these players have a HD amp? Which kind of amp in MD players give better quality of sound? I also did not find a website selling the RH1. Is this the latest one and is RH10 oldest among the 3 of them? A website or link giving a comparative review of the 3 including the features would also do but if there is none, somebody please provide me with this here in terms of sound, how the battery is charged and the functions of the 3. -Nimish
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