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  1. I have purchased a song from iTunes. How do I export it to my Sony NetMD? I looked at the Help menu with iTunes but couldn't find the instructions. Angela
  2. I have downloaded the new Sonic Stage 4.0 I was hoping that it would enable me to upload live recording but it won't do it! I have a Sony NetMD Walkman MZ-NF810 Will I ever be able to get it to upload my live recording to the computer? Angela
  3. I have the MX-NF810 Mini disc player/recorder with the RM-MC37LT remote control/radio. The on/off switch for the radio just doesn't work (it used to, but it doesn't anymore). The disc player clicks when I press the button so there is some connection but the radio does not come on. However, I can still control the disc player function from the remote. I am wondering if there is a simple solution to this. If not, what are my chances of getting if fixed/replaced? Any suggestions, appreciated. Angela
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