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Everything posted by howardfredrics

  1. Just bought a Sharp IMD-R400E and to my horror (before it has even arrived) I discovered from reading more info on these boards that the unit doesn't appear to have a Mic input (only the 420 has one). In reading a review of it, however, the reviewer mentions that they discovered in some obscure spot in the manual that one can use the Optical in as a Mic input when in record mode. While that doesn't make much logical sense to me, I nonetheless looked in the manual and there was nothing saying that. Does anyone know either a hack or else whether or not I can, indeed, use the Optical in on a R400E as a mic in? If not, does anyone want to by a new R400E from me? I'd sell it for £35 with Sennheiser MX300 earphones. Cheers, Howard
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