Thank you for your welcome and for taking the time to point me towards the most suitable models. Looks like the NHF800 or the 700 will do me. The equipment browser is cool and very helpful, thanks for the link M Thanks for taking the time to reply. Now here's the big question. Can I play back a long track (e.g. an audiobook) and make a bookmark in the middle of that track at the position I have stopped listening to, and then return to that exact same postion at a later time? I'm talking about a real bookmark function (not just a resume function). M No I'm not, but I was looking at buying one ..... but no record function, no radio, no user replaceable battery, and pretty pricy. The minidisc is attractive for all the above functions, and the ability to add cheap discs (memory) at any time. M Thanks for your reply. Reading up a little more, I don't think the native mp3 ability is so important (converting to atrac seems easy enough to do). I also, don't think the radio is that important. I have a small (512MB) mp3 player and radio. The radio is pretty poor and I find that I rarely use it. If I had a minidisc player I'm sure that I would have discs of audiobooks or music to listen to instead. Also, I didn't realise until looking into this a little further that the radio is in the remote and consequently makes the remote heavier and larger. Mmmm not so sure about that! M Thanks for the reply .... and for the links you gave. The bookmarking function you mention is on a recording that I make. What about bookmarking an already recorded track. I'm thinking of a long track (eg an audiobook) - the ability to listen and bookmark the position in the track when I stop listening, and then retiurn to that same place later on. Is that possible? M Thanks for replying. Yes, the 800 or 700 look to be most suitable for me. Thanks for the links on ebay, that will be helpful to look at. M