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  • PlayStation Network ID
    Sharp Md Mt877 +MDMT 270 HBK +Sony Net Md MZ N510 +CMT-M100-MDS +CMT-M 333 NT + two Hi MD MZ-NH 700

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  1. You know what? I must be naîve or something because when I joined this forum it had never even crossed my mind that it would be,as you say, male dominated. I laugh about it now but if I had known I might have chosen a name other than Olga which sounds like an add for porn but which happens to be the name of one of my (now dead) dogs with my password being the name of an other late dog of mine. I thought it would be easy to remember ,and so it is ,but the name is a bit of a burden now.. Oh well; who cares,right ?But more seriously I'm posting my thoughts in this "rant" thread because I have questions and I don't know where to post them!Maybe someone will be kind enough to help me .#1 Is there anywhere in this forum a place where all the different versions of Sonic Stag are listed and compared? #2 Why is it only possible to have 5 tracks on CDs made by transferring Hi-md to audio CDs with Sonic Stage ?Why is it not possible to have more than five tracks? #3 I've bought the RH1 (which is still in its box!) and should be installing the new Sonic Stage (SS3,4)but I get mixed messages from the instruction manual and from the forum: do I just stick the CD software in the DVD player in the computer or do I have to erase something first ?Hope somebody will help .By the way,referring to what was said about women and forums,this is my only forum(+the French Md forum) and I guess I joined because I really think MDs are great.They've changed my life anyway See ya!
  2. Thanks for the advice The Low Volta . They say on the French md forum that in an e-mail to one of the members Sony said that the RH1 would be available in France on Nov.26 so I guess there is hope .About Sonic Stage not being SS4 with the Rh1.. I don't really see why it wouldn't automatically be the latest version of Sonic Stage ,but as you suggested I will have to do a bit of homework on the subject and delve into the archives of the forum .I'm currently using SS2 but I have to find out if it's safe for me to download the SS4 version . And I must also find the right place to post my comments and ask questions about Sonic Stage ,because I realize I have to adhere to the rules and stick to the subject in any given thread . " Ta " as they say in England (=thanks)
  3. Hi there ! Some people have all the luck . Here in France we're starting to wonder if we're ever going to get the Rh1 at all . So keep these comments coming . Once you get your hands on this little marvel let us know what the new version of Sonic Stage is like . Cheers
  4. Yea ,I've just re-read this whole thread and realised that this Onkyo -B8 might just be exactly what I'm looking for. But what happens if the unit needs repairing any time ? Does it have to be sent all the way back to Japan ? The timer for recording seems like a great improvement. How does the hifi md Sony LAM-X1 compare with richyhu's Onkyo X-B8 unit ? Anyone looked into it ?
  5. Hi there !I'm new to forums so if i'm posting in the wrong place don't be too hard on me .What I want to know is ; what is what you all call a" bookshelf" and is it just another word for "deck" ? I happen to own two Micro Hi-Fi Component Systems(Sony-MNT and CMT-M100MD° which give me full satisfaction with md and mdlp recording( I get my classical music straight from the tuner recorded on the md player incorporated in the unit . Yes but now we have hi-md and I have to rely on my MZ NH 700 if I want to record in Hi-md and I don't have the quality of sound I used to enjoy . So... what I would very much like to know(as well as the meaning of 'bookshelf') is : is there a micro hi-fi component System(that's what Sony calls it on the operating manuals) for hi-md? If anyone can help,thanks.Live in France . Cheers.
  6. I fully agree with you on that one . I still use my Sharp Mt 877 whenever I can do without the himd feature. It's all so much simpler and makes so much more sense .
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