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  1. Hello everybone. Nice forum. I´m from Portugal. Well, i bought my NWA-1000 yesterday. I started exploring it´s capabiblities and i confess I am pleased with it so far. As soon as i discovered this community I started reading and absorbing information. So, I updated mt 2.01 firmware to the latest 3.00. No problem with it. As I read before the Connect software is a real crap. But it works fine on my laptop so, i guess all it takes is habbit. The problem: I compile a playlist but when i attempt to transfer it to my device, i get the notice that the transfer has been completed and when I go to the HOME MENU and look for my playlists there appears nothing but "BookMark lists" So my question is, how can I transfer my playlists and access them?????' Why the hack don´t they apear on the device???????????? What is a bookmark list?????? Sorry to bother you guys with such a stupid poll, but I tried several times and still can´t figure out how to send my playlists to my player. Hope you can help me. Sorry for my english, and greetings to you all.
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