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Everything posted by Mackh

  1. Thanks very much for the answer although I guess it wasn't the one I wanted to hear. Oh Well, you have stopped me wasting any more time trying to work out what the problem is. Thanks again.
  2. Hi there, I have just purchased a used portable Sony MZ-N710 Minidisc recorder which uses ATRAC DSB Type S, and comes with SonicStage software. I have just used the software to convert some MP3s into ATRAC 3 (I think) tracks on my laptop and have downloaded them using USB to the N710 recorder. The disc I have created plays perfectly on the N710, but will not play on any of my other MD players. I have an earlier Sony MZ-R70 portable recorder and and a Sony MDS JB930 deck (which uses ATRAC DSP Type R. These decks can read the track titles, an dteh tracks appear to play but with no sound. Why won't the disc I have created play on either of my other decks? Is this a protection issue involving Sonicstage, or is it down to a backwards compatibility problem with ATRAC Type S? Neither of these possibilities seem very likely to me. The tracks were recorded in SP mode (ie not in LP mode). Thanks for any help.
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